Offer From Two Sisters

I’m not sure how many of you read the comments under each post but Patty from Two Sisters wrote in to offer a free cup o joe at Two Sisters if you mention that you saw her video here.

Thanks Patty!!!!

Just another reason staying tuned to these pages and getting involved pays big!

The coffee at Two Sisters rocks by the way.

Cruiseport Construction Update 2/27/09

The bar stools are in, the taps are in the bar, the flooring is mostly done, the lighting is in.

David Brooks Announces Generous Darkroom Donations And Community Dark Room Project

Through generous donations from our community David Brooks at Art Space has the equipment for a community dark room.  Coming soon….

Debara Hafemann Seaglass and Watercolors At Local Colors

Here’s another one of Debara’s pieces in which she combines pieces of sea glass with one of her watercolor paintings.

Floral Derangement From the Wicked Pissahs & Disco Inferno

Flo talks Roller Derby before the Boston Massacre vs Maine Port Authority Bout.  We also speak with Disco Inferno, a Derby Dame Referee.

Cape Ann represented well with two of the top roller derby skaters in Krush Puppy and Shelby Shattered having roots in Rockport and Ipswich respectively.

I printed up my press pass before the bout with help from pal Sharon Lowe and her killer printer.

Good Morning Gloucester Press Pass
Good Morning Gloucester Press Pass


As it turned out I didn’t need it as they issued me an official one from The Boston Derby Dames offices.  Buddy Erik Lorden and I had all access on the floor of the event and we got a ton of interviews during warm up and throughout the bout.

Click This picture to View The Video Interviews-

Harlot Fevah Sports Lobster Tattoo and Skates For The Boston Massacre

Lobster Tat!   You gotta love that!!!!!!!  

I’m thinking that there’s gonna be a huge Lobsterman contingency heading up for the next bout to cheer on Harlot Fevah.

Are You Kidding Me? Would You Look At That Ink?, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


Good day for making chili!


If you’re looking for something to do with the family   today and you don’t feel like venturing out, here’s a great recipe you can improvise and involve the kids. It’s a favorite in my family!

But first ya gotta start Flapping like a Haddock!

Erika Hansen 82 GHS Yearbook Photo

Here is fellow Block Party Committee member and all around good egg Erika Hansen’s ’82 yearbook photo.  Erika tells me she wasn’t around to have an official yearbook picture so they used a passport photo.

(Looks more like a mug shot to me)