The Bean Fascinated By Beach Wedding

The Bean, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

All day long the staff at The Naples Beach Club was setting up for a beach wedding. Once The bean saw the girls all dressed up she wanted to watch them all afternoon.

She made sand cakes for the bride, and made us stay til the bridesmaids came out in their dresses.

A lot of people say they want to get married on the beach but only a fraction ever follow through with it.

Art Haven -Andy Cleary


When I was out shooting St. Patrick’s Day window displays Tuesday, I stopped in at Art Haven to see the kids and their projects. Some were working on the windows out front, but my friend Andy was creating art from an old guitar. He had some cool stencils and spray paint that he used to create incredible designs.dsc_6345-small-a

I went back today to check out Andy’s progress. He wasn’t there, but the guitar was against the wall drying.

He said it wouldn’t be a working guitar, but it sure is a work of art!

dsc_6429-small-a Nice work, Andy!

Pictures Will Return To Your Email Subscriptions

I changed the settings back so our subscribers will get the pictures in the email subscriptions.

The people spoke, they wanted pics in their email. We aim to please so I made the proper readjustments and it will be back to normal email delivery folks.

The one thing I would like to note is that the videos don’t come through in the emails so you might want to check the site directly for those at and bookmark it for east access. I’d hate to think your missing out on any GMG goodness!

Kely’s Fish House, Naples, Fla

Whenever I go on vacation I try to get down to the commercial docks to talk to fishermen or fish dealers.  Kelly’s Fish House is just down the street from my parents crib so I swing by there when I’m in Naples to see what’s up.

Here is Keith working.  I got a couple interviews to share with you guys from Kelly’s to share with you once I edit them.

This is a conveyor that boats pull up to and offload their catch.  There is only a three foot tide in Naples so they don’t have the much larger swings in tide like our 9-10 foot tides in Gloucester.  I was shocked that they don’t have a take out boom but they don’t need it.  The conveyor works out just fine for them.

Kely’s Fish House, Naples, Fla, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


“Won’t you marry me, Bill?”

dress-code-wedding026This in from Barbara Koen at the Dress Code:

Wont you marry me Bill? Wedding Gown Blow Out on Saturday March 14th. We have forty sample gowns only worn in the shop they came from.

Who knows? You may find your ideal wedding dress right here in Gloucester. So come and support your local economy.

Peace to all.

Barbara and the Dress Code staff