New GMG Series: Stories From Vietnam Illustrated And Told By Our Friend Hussey

Tuffy shares:

David Hussey and I started fishing together in Nahant MA in the early 70’s. I was 16 and he was 30, and he had just gotten back from spending over a year in the jungles of Vietnam as a Staff Sargent. Eventually he was transferred to the base (the rear), to serve as a Supply Sargent for the rest of his tour. This transfer saved his life.

The stories below I’ve known for years, they would be shared on long days out at sea over the 35 years we were partners. Back then, there wasn’t as much awareness about PTSD or therapy available for people leaving war, and I was glad to listen.

There are so many brutalities of war that most of us will be lucky enough to never know. For soldiers, these memories can constantly loop in their mind, sometimes for the rest of their lives. These are David Hussey’s.

Part 1

Enemy caught drinking out of bomb crater.

Hussey in the visor with Scott Swicker and Tuffy back in 1983.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall–The Opening Ceremony

The Crowd, The Speeches, The Families, The Memories, You can see it all in everyone’s faces.  Take time and walk the wall, and remember.

Lye a New Friend

I ran into Lye on the breakwater, he was fishing and enjoying a day off from work. We exchanged our immigration stories of why we came to the USA. His was far more dramatic than my own. I also found that as a Vietnamese Interpreter, I found that his English was far better than my Vietnamese.  Lye a naturalized US citizen, like myself, passes on the benefits to his children, for his hard work.  We cherish our heritage, but Love America. 

