Updated: If I Don’t Get The Answer To The “Why Aren’t The Windmills Spinning All The Time” Question I May Go Postal


The following information is from Rick Johnson, Varian’s Facility Manager.
When winds at 7 miles per hour or less, the Varian turbine will not operate for economic reasons; when the wind speed is 56 miles an hour or greater, the turbine will shutdown for safety reasons.
“economic reasons” is incorrect. The turbine will not spin unless the wind is maintained at more than 3.0 meters/second (6.7 mph).
• The Varian turbine has also been down for the six week maintenance inspection that occurred a couple weeks back.
• We are also experiencing trouble with a couple of relays that are killing power to the turbine. We had service here last Thursday and yesterday working on the issue.
• The turbine can also be down due to icing being detected on the blades. It causes an imbalance and shuts the turbine down until ice is no longer detected.


I just assume there is a logical reason that the windmills aren’t always spinning on days when there is wind but for many folks it drives them up a wall.

What drives me up a wall is not that they aren’t all spinning all the time on windy days but what drives me up a wall is the people who constantly question why the windmills aren’t  spinning all the time on windy days.

To my thinking, the people that spent the money, time and energy to get the windmills erected obviously want to generate as much power as they can from them.  That’s a logical assumption, right?

So why would anyone complain when they are not spinning as if there is some conspiracy theory as to why they aren’t spinning?  Do you really think the people that put up the money to build them are trying to withhold the generation of power from them for some reason?

One of these people is someone I may or may not be related to through marriage who asks the question every time we pass a windmill that isn’t spinning.

Another is one of my lobstermen who looks out the office window every day and gives me the update on how many are spinning on any given day.

So please, anyone with real inside knowledge as to why they don’t spin all the time when there is wind can you please enlighten me so the next time we pass one that isn’t spinning I can give the correct response to the conspiracy theorists out there who constantly harp on about it.

I’m not looking for guesses from ordinary citizens like myself.  I’d really like someone from Varian, Gloucester Engineering or the iron workers union who actually knows the factual answer to why they aren’t spinning when there would be enough wind to turn them to enlighten us.

Please and thank you.

signed- Joey C

This. Takes. Nuts. Man On a Blade- Pics And Video

David Fay submits-

I was up at the Industrial Center yesterday morning when I saw this wild site! This guy is doing some finishing touches on one of those humongous blades hanging from a rope!  There wind gust were up to at least 35mph.

He certainly earned his pay!

Let me just state for the record that I probably definitely would have soiled myself 30 feet off the ground. What’s this guy making? Like $250 an hour?

photo 1photo 2photo 3

Herb Wennerberg submits this video-

Justin Buie on a Rope, Jorden Webster on the ground for Mistras’ ROPEWORKS Wind Services



Yo Councilor Cox Can We Kindly Request Turbine Results?

Per our discussion in the GMG comment section I contend that if the energy produced and saved results were made available online that it would make the proponents happy and the skeptics happy if the results are what they’ve been projected.

Without the data the general public whose tax dollars erre used in part to fund it are left to (pardon the pun) drift in the wind.

Can you request that at one of your meetings?

Anyone else who would be interested in tjis data chime in on the vomments to this pist as well.

TIA Melissa Full On Footie Duck Jammie Cox 🙂

A Call For Turbine Photos From Pippy (Yes, Pippy)

If any of our contributors have Turbine photos they would like to submit, let Pippy (yes Pippy) know

Good morning to you!
Joey, the ladies of the Good Neighbor association in Annisquam are putting together the annual dinner event at the end of January. The decoration theme is, “Harness the wind”.
Do you have any turbine photos in your archives that we might be able to use?
I know you leave soon and if it is not a burden, we would appreciate whatever you can give us.
Thanks so very much and the best in the new year.
Pippy Giuliano

Mayor Kirk Forwards Blade Signing Celebration Info


cityseal.gif (12790 bytes)

Gloucester to Host Wind Energy “Blade Signing” Ceremony

New turbines are expected to save the City millions in energy costs

(Gloucester, MA) – The City of Gloucester will host a “blade signing” ceremony on Friday, November 16 at 10 a.m. The event marks the installation of two wind turbines located on the Gloucester Engineering site, at 11 Dory Road inside Blackburn Industrial Park. The turbines are being built as part of a 25-year agreement with Equity Industrial Turbines, which is expected to save the City of Gloucester a minimum of $11 million dollars over the life of the contract.

“Gloucester residents will benefit from our abundant supply of wind power” said Mayor Caroyln A Kirk, “For the first time, green energy will be used to provide power to city buildings including seven schools, public safety buildings, and water and sewer treatment plants. This change will result in substantial fiscal benefits for our city and make Gloucester one of the greenest communities in Massachusetts.”

Mayor Kirk will be joined at the event by the Gloucester City Council, the chairman of the Gloucester Planning Board, the Director of the Green Communities Division of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, the Executive Director of the Energy Consumers Alliance of New England and Mass Energy, the Mass. Municipal Association, and representatives from Gloucester Engineering, Equity Industrial Turbines, and the local residents. All who attend will be invited to sign their name on the turbine’s blades.

The City anticipates the energy savings realized will be used to support a new joint public safety building and improvements to local schools.

About the City of Gloucester

America’s oldest seaport, the City of Gloucester is known throughout the world as an authentic, working waterfront community, a place of spectacular natural beauty, and home to a diverse population of about 30,000 residents. An important center for the fishing industry, Gloucester also is proud of its rich art heritage as one of the premier art colonies in the United States. The city also is a destination for thousands of visitors who visit the harbor and its beaches during the summertime. In recent years, Gloucester has been diversifying its traditional maritime economy, adding leading small research institutions such as the UMass Amherst Large Pelagics Research Laboratory and the Ocean Alliance to the array of state and federal agencies working in the city, and with investments in robotics and new product development from the fishery.

Windmill Chatter

Paul Korn writes-

We are so proud of our city as it moves solidly into the 21st century.  Some may complain that it ruins the view.  Every morning, I see this glorious structure (the first of three) as I walk on Good Harbor Beach.  It  is a visible commitment to doing our part to create cleaner energy, not to mention making a statement that we care and will act on our values.  (And we will be saving money!)

Paul R. Korn

gloucester windmill

Loretta Ligor forwards anti Windmill Articles-


Ten years too late, it’s good riddance to wind farms – one of the most dangerous delusions of our age

Energy Minister John Hayes has announced no more wind farms are allowed to be built in the UK

The significance of yesterday’s shock announce-ment by our Energy Minister John Hayes that the Government plans to put a firm limit on the building of any more onshore windfarms is hard to exaggerate.

The Turbine Now That It’s Up Poll

When I first heard of the turbine coming to Gloucester I was angry.   I felt as though it was only going to benefit one company, the company that was installing it and the money to pay for it was money that taxpayers subsidized and that most of these green energy projects are simply advertising vehicles reaching out to liberal tree-huggers who would buy any thing at any cost as long as you slapped the  “It’s Green” sticker on it.

I let our Ed Collard and Sarah Kelly take opposing editorial views in a post before hand and I was still skeptical. View That Post Here-

Anti Windmill vs Pro Windmill Two GMG Contributors Express Their Views- Sarah Kelly and Ed Collard

Then I read Mayor Kirk’s editorial in the Gloucester Daily Times in which she stated that the City of Gloucester would “conservatively” have 90% of it’s energy needs paid for by the partnership and that number would be conservatively $450,000 per year.

Read that post here-

Chickity Check It! Matyor Kirk Says City Will Conservatively Save $450,000 Per Year In Energy Costs

Posted on October 14, 2012 by 

With that huge savings for the taxpayers of Gloucester my mind was changed.  Now with the Varian one erected, looking at it doesn’t bother me at all.  I mean not in the least.  I actually think it looks kinda cool.

Now if we look back a year from when the thing kicks off and see that the City only gets a tiny fraction of what it think’s it’s going to get I will be supremely pissed and feel duped and I’ll rail against every phoney baloney green energy claim that comes down the pike but I’m going to be cautiously optimistic that we will indeed provide those savings.

Now that the Turbine is up and you can see what it looks like on the horizon and you know what we know about the projected savings would you say that the turbines at Varian and Gloucester Engineering are a good thing or not?

Please vote in the new poll-

On our last poll in which we asked if the City of Gloucester would get more or less that $450K in Energy Savings over two thirds of voters chose under.

I’m more optimistic and I hope Mayor Kirk  once the energy audit from the first year comes out gets to say  “IN YOUR FACE!” to all the doubters and we get well over $450,000 per year in energy savings.

Way Up High- Setting The Hub And More Gloucester MA Varian’s Turbine Erection From Steve Spencer! Exclusive To GMG

Steve Spencer Has Been Sending These Photos Of Every Phase of The Construction Of Varian’s Turbine


Open turbine view of Gloucester-


Face of the hub to the ground-


Taken From The Outdoor Deck At The Seaport Grille Cruiseport- Turbine Panorama (Must Have Been Photoshopped)

What you are looking at is a mirage.

This isn’t really happening because as we all know Marine Industrial Activity and Non-Marine Industrial Activity Can’t Co-exist.  You can’t have all this marine industrial activity and loud cranes operating right in front of the area where people are eating their lunch on an open air deck.  That’s just preposterous!!!

What’s Next?  Dogs and Cats Living Together?

From Ghostbusters-

Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor: What do you mean, “biblical”?
Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!
Mayor: All right, all right! I get the point!

Click for larger view-


BTW, that Fishing boat in the left of the frame?  Must have also been photoshopped, you can’t have fishing oats tied up at places where there are open air-restaurants.  No-way- No how! Photoshopped or mirage- you make the call.
