Yo Councilor Cox Can We Kindly Request Turbine Results?

Per our discussion in the GMG comment section I contend that if the energy produced and saved results were made available online that it would make the proponents happy and the skeptics happy if the results are what they’ve been projected.

Without the data the general public whose tax dollars erre used in part to fund it are left to (pardon the pun) drift in the wind.

Can you request that at one of your meetings?

Anyone else who would be interested in tjis data chime in on the vomments to this pist as well.

TIA Melissa Full On Footie Duck Jammie Cox 🙂

Windmill Chatter

Paul Korn writes-

We are so proud of our city as it moves solidly into the 21st century.  Some may complain that it ruins the view.  Every morning, I see this glorious structure (the first of three) as I walk on Good Harbor Beach.  It  is a visible commitment to doing our part to create cleaner energy, not to mention making a statement that we care and will act on our values.  (And we will be saving money!)

Paul R. Korn

gloucester windmill

Loretta Ligor forwards anti Windmill Articles-


Ten years too late, it’s good riddance to wind farms – one of the most dangerous delusions of our age

Energy Minister John Hayes has announced no more wind farms are allowed to be built in the UK

The significance of yesterday’s shock announce-ment by our Energy Minister John Hayes that the Government plans to put a firm limit on the building of any more onshore windfarms is hard to exaggerate.