In celebration of Shark Week (July 5th through the 12th), I thought it would be fun to see Martin Del Vecchio’s amazing basking shark video shot in 4K with his drone off of Bass Rocks. So cool that Martin captured and so cool we have Basking Sharks visiting our shores!

Roomba Shark Cat, Hammerhead Sharky Ferocious Pit Bull, and Baby Duck

Although Shark Week is officially over, I can’t resist one more video featuring Shark Cat, Sharky the Ferocious Pit Bull, and a baby duck who appears to want to go for ride with Shark Cat on the roomba.

Shark Cat

From Good Morning America ~

This is Max, a 12-year-old cat dressed in a shark suit, riding on top of a Roomba vacuum.

“He loves to the ride the Roomba,” Max’s owner, Helen Arnold of Houston told Good Morning America. “He does it pretty much every day. Sometimes I put it away, and if the Roomba is hidden somewhere in the corner, he just sits there and looks at me.”

Max’s shark impersonation is more precious than ferocious as he dons his adorable shark costume, which was actually originally intended for Arnold’s pet dog.

“I do costumes for Halloween and my dog’s name is Shark, so we’ve been looking for a shark costume for him,” Arnold, 33, explained. “But I haven’t found a good shark costume for a dog, so I bought this one and it didn’t fit him so we tried it on the cat.”

Arnold and her husband rescued Max from behind an abandoned house as a kitten. They first discovered his love for riding the Roomba five years ago when they purchased the vacuum.

“One day he was riding it when I got home,” said Arnold. “It was scary. He knows how to press the button.”

Fintastic fun during Shark Week at Maritime Gloucester

Visitors of all ages are invited to participate in our Shark Week Chalkquarium! Drop by for this free event on Sunday, August 4, 10:30-3:30. Draw a “Great White Chalk” and other life-sized sharks and rays on the pavement around Maritime Gloucester! All of our regularly-scheduled drop-in programs will also be shark-themed until August 10.

We were up late last night turning our Museum Shop into shark central! Our Shark Week Sale starts this Sunday. We’ll be offering 20% off all shark and ray merchandise, August 4 – August 10.
