When the nice guy at Flanagan Square service station gives you a green carnation for Saint Patrick’s Day 🙂

Dropkick Murphy’s Concert Live at the House of Blues 2014

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Winslow_Homer_-_The_Four_Leaf_CloverThe Four Leaf Clover by Winslow Homer

Thanks to my friend Cathy who shared this beautiful Celtic blessing yesterday in honor of Saint Patrick’s Day.

Image courtesy wikicommons media.

OBrien’s Boru @ The Rhumb Line 6:oopm…Always a fun filled event!

Rl st patricks day1


40 Railroad Ave.

Gloucester, MA 01930

phone: 978-283-9732


March, The New Year starts tomorrow

Until King Numa screwed things up in 713 BC, March was the beginning of the year. Since March is my favorite month I never followed the king’s edict so today is New Year’s Eve. The Romans started the year with March because March is from Mars, god of war and you could start a war campaign in March and not get bogged down. But there are tons of other reasons why March is the greatest month. Everything starts in March.

March 1st: Hummingbirds have just hit the gulf coast and will be here soon. Monarch butterflies not far behind.

March 1st: First day of the year, first day of spring if you don’t go by the new fangled calendar.

March 4th: Gather in crowds , yell out the name of the day, and March forth. This is a Friday so a pub crawl would be good on this day. Stone Pub, Dog Bar, Minglewood Tavern, Rhumb Line.

March 5th: New Moon

March 6th: The sliver of the new waxing moon crescent will be paired just above the setting sun with Jupiter. With binoculars you might glimpse Mercury below the pair before it sets right after the sun.

March 7th: My Birthday. Now you know why this is my favorite month, I celebrate all month long.

March 13th: Spring Ahead! DST starts so instead of the sun setting at 5:45PM the day before it sets at 6:46 PM! Gin and Tonic on the deck as the sun goes down.

March 14: Pi Day. Be an even bigger nerd and have a drink, 3/14 @ 1:59 PM and 26 seconds.

March 15: The Ides of March “Et tu, Brute?” Caesar stabbed 23 times. Toga! Toga! Toga!

March 17th: Saint Patrick’s Day, green beer on a Thursday this year.

March 19th: Full Moon. This March full moon causes Easter to occur late, April 24th this year.

March 19th: Boston Derby Dames in Wilmington, 4PM. Full moon and roller derby? Twice as crazy!

March 20: wicked low tide at 6:25PM and sun sets at 6:54PM. Take dog for a walk on Good Harbor Beach.

March 20, 7:21PM: Spring Equinox, take dog for a walk on Good Harbor Beach.

March 31st: Red Sox Baseball season’s eve. Sox are tied for the best record in baseball.

Print this list out and put it on your fridge along with the Gloucester Harbor Tide Chart to get the most out of your March. Before you know it I will be posting seasonal openings and we can all meet at the Cupboard for a Fish and cheese sandwich. Top Dog in Rockport is opening Saturday, April 2nd. OK, maybe April is my favorite month.