A huge shout out to Thacher Island Association and president Paul St. Germain for winning an Essex National Heritage Area partnership grant to restore the elevated pedestrian lighthouse walkway on Straitsmouth Island.

Paul St. Germain writes, “We will restore the original C 1850, 220-foot granite and wooden timber walkway to provide safe and easy access for the public to visit the lighthouse from the keeper house. This walkway has been there since 1854 and was destroyed sometime in the 1930’s. Besides its usefulness it has also been an iconic signature of the island’s profile for over 80 years.”

This unique 1906 photo shows the 315-foot walkway, the oil house, and keeper house, as well as Thacher Island’s Twin Lights in the distance.

Facts about Straitsmouth Island Light Station

  • First lighthouse was established in 1835 to mark the entrance to Rockport Harbor.
  • The lighthouse was rebuilt in 1851 and again in 1896.
  • A 6th order Fresnel lens was installed in the lantern in 1857.
  • The current Victorian styled keeper house was built in 1878 similar to the one on Thacher Island.
  • In 1932 the light was converted from white to green.
  • Coast Guard moved the station to shore at Gap Head and sold the island to private parties in 1934.
  • Coast Guard continues to maintain the light as an official aid to navigation today. In 1967 the island (except for the lighthouse) was donated to Massachusetts Audubon Society who maintains it as a wildlife sanctuary.
  • Straitsmouth Island was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1987.
  • In 2010 the lighthouse and 1.8 acres of land was given to the Town of Rockport by the coast guard.
  • In 2014 the Town of Rockport signed a long term 30 year lease with Mass Audubon for the use of the keeper and oil houses.


Straitsmouth Island pounding waves after March nor’easter

“Flash Mob” for the Grace Center

Glow with Grace

WHO: All members of the Cape Ann Community wishing to support Grace Center, Inc.

WHEN: Saturday, March 23 – Registration between 6:00-7:00 p.m. March begins at 7:15 p.m.

WHERE: Meet at Gloucester High School to join others as we march to Stacey Boulevard and then return to Gloucester High School.

WHY: To raise visibility and awareness for the Grace Center, a day resource center to help those in crisis.        @GraceCenterInc

– Fr. Matthew Green

March Nor’easter, Long Beach, 1958 From Fred Bodin

March Nor’easter, Long Beach, 1958

A massive storm barreled up the East Coast from March 18th to 21st,1958, impacting the East Coast from North Carolina to Maine. It was a Category 2 storm, which means it was “significant.” In addition to high winds, waves, and surge, it also brought snow. On Cape Ann, the concrete boardwalk on Long Beach was destroyed, and houses were damaged. These photos are courtesy of Eloise Como Brown.

Fredrik D. Bodin
Bodin Historic Photo
82 Main Street

“Flash Mob” for the Grace Center

Glow with Grace


WHO: All members of the Cape Ann Community wishing to support Grace Center, Inc.

WHEN: Saturday, March 23 – Registration between 6:00-7:00 p.m. March begins at 7:15 p.m.

WHERE: Meet at Gloucester High School to join others as we march to Stacey Boulevard and then return to Gloucester High School.

WHY: To raise visibility and awareness for the Grace Center, a day resource center to help those in crisis.        @GraceCenterInc


– Fr. Matthew Green

March, The New Year starts tomorrow

Until King Numa screwed things up in 713 BC, March was the beginning of the year. Since March is my favorite month I never followed the king’s edict so today is New Year’s Eve. The Romans started the year with March because March is from Mars, god of war and you could start a war campaign in March and not get bogged down. But there are tons of other reasons why March is the greatest month. Everything starts in March.

March 1st: Hummingbirds have just hit the gulf coast and will be here soon. Monarch butterflies not far behind.

March 1st: First day of the year, first day of spring if you don’t go by the new fangled calendar.

March 4th: Gather in crowds , yell out the name of the day, and March forth. This is a Friday so a pub crawl would be good on this day. Stone Pub, Dog Bar, Minglewood Tavern, Rhumb Line.

March 5th: New Moon

March 6th: The sliver of the new waxing moon crescent will be paired just above the setting sun with Jupiter. With binoculars you might glimpse Mercury below the pair before it sets right after the sun.

March 7th: My Birthday. Now you know why this is my favorite month, I celebrate all month long.

March 13th: Spring Ahead! DST starts so instead of the sun setting at 5:45PM the day before it sets at 6:46 PM! Gin and Tonic on the deck as the sun goes down.

March 14: Pi Day. Be an even bigger nerd and have a drink, 3/14 @ 1:59 PM and 26 seconds.

March 15: The Ides of March “Et tu, Brute?” Caesar stabbed 23 times. Toga! Toga! Toga!

March 17th: Saint Patrick’s Day, green beer on a Thursday this year.

March 19th: Full Moon. This March full moon causes Easter to occur late, April 24th this year.

March 19th: Boston Derby Dames in Wilmington, 4PM. Full moon and roller derby? Twice as crazy!

March 20: wicked low tide at 6:25PM and sun sets at 6:54PM. Take dog for a walk on Good Harbor Beach.

March 20, 7:21PM: Spring Equinox, take dog for a walk on Good Harbor Beach.

March 31st: Red Sox Baseball season’s eve. Sox are tied for the best record in baseball.

Print this list out and put it on your fridge along with the Gloucester Harbor Tide Chart to get the most out of your March. Before you know it I will be posting seasonal openings and we can all meet at the Cupboard for a Fish and cheese sandwich. Top Dog in Rockport is opening Saturday, April 2nd. OK, maybe April is my favorite month.