GMG T Shirts For Sale For The Holidays

Paulie Frontiero will be printing up GMG Logo T-Shirts for sale for holiday presents

Short Sleeve- $15

Long Sleeve- $17

Sweatshirts- $25

shipping $2.99

easy- peasy holiday shopping for the true GMG lover right here

send an email to for ordering information and to help support the cause

You can also order Sharon’s Calendars here



Joey’s Holiday Photos here

MY RANT! Opinions Are Like……….

Most know that Saying: “Opinions are Like a……. everyone has one”.

I recently read a comment saying; Joey is “Lofty” and can be a bit rude with his language and I’m deleting my subscription to GMG.

The Title of his blog is GMG ” My life on the Dock”

Have You ever hung around with a Lobsterman, Fishermen,  factory worker or even a tie wearing office worker! The crap that comes out of our mouths ,Comments about our life, wife, families, etc. is disgusting!  Only nice disgusting stuff. But it helps us get through a day of sometimes mindless work to support our families. That person may not know what her Husband talks like at work. Unless he works in a Monestary I’m sure he’s used a few choice words in his life.

This is Joey’s Blog, His VOICE, His feelings, His view of this city, The view of people he thought you may want to hear. The images they see of GLOUCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS! Maybe if they spent some time “Over The Bridge” they could understand.

 Just like TVor Radio you can change the station. Just click on if you don’t want to hear his or our shit.

I have to stick up for Joey on this one. He is far from stuck up, or Lofty. He gives a great amount of his time promoting Gloucester and the Businesses,  Artists, Organizations and Individuals that make up this wacko Town. He never asks for Kickbacks, Free Meals, Services or whatever.  He pays for his own meals at Restaurants he promotes here.

 BUT, He can be a pain in the Ass. Such as; Calling 30 minutes before the Rockyneck New Years day Swim or the 1st Gloucester triathlon to get some video for the Blog (just a few of my experiences with GMG), Having Sharon risk her life in the toilet of the Schooner Spirit of Massachusetts to bring computer bound People an experience they may never have. Joey asks for nothing in return. There are no ads on the blog to create revenue to help pay for internet access or programs or Hardware to help make the GMG Blog better. It comes out of his own pocket and time.  He can be a great guy. Sometimes. 🙂    A little F ‘n Nuts, sure Can’t we all. Look in the mirror before you judge someone else. I’m sure some of my posts have caused Joey some problems. I know Mary will never read GMG Because of my Valentines card I posted. But get a life, Have a sense of humor. Enjoy His “Little Slice of his life on the Dock” or whatever he calls this F’d up Blog.  Does anybody really read this blog?

I’m sorry to RANT! But in the the words of my Sweet Sicilian Grandfather, You can kiss my Italian ASS if you don’t like it! (It sounds classier in Italian)

OH, By the way Happy St. Patricks Day to all my Irish Friends!

Here’s a Free Plug for you Sharon!

Joey, you can delete this post  anytime if you’d like.

If you have a problem with this post you can contact me at

Or through Http://


Here you Go Joey!

These are from the 2006 St. Peter’s Fiesta.

My Son Paul The 3rd was asked by Peter “Black” to represent the Frontiero’s on the Saturday Greasy Pole Contest.

He’s not one to turn down a Challenge. So he Agreed. I think he’s still hurting today.

Paulie The Pirate 2006 Greasy Pole.

Paul and Friends before the walks
Paul gets a Ride out to the Pole
1st walk with costume. Please don't embarrass the Family!
Second walk, A little bit further.
Third and Last, OUCH! I felt that one!


USCG Station Gloucester

USCG Cutter "Grand Isle" Cripple Cove Dock
USCG Station Gloucester
USCG Gloucester
"The Patriot Recovery" USCG Station Gloucester


Check out this Website  for daily USCG News.

Subscribe and they’ll send you an email everyday with what’s happening on the Water.


Quick Color Study

This is a quick Color Study I did of one of Sharon Lowe’s  Beautiful Niles Pond Photos.

I Sometimes do a few of these if I plan on doing a larger Version.

As you can see I love Broad Brushstrokes and vivid colors.

Sharon’s Niles Pond Photo “Reposted without permission 🙂 “
“Niles Pond Sunrise” Color Study


Had Enough of Winter? Think Spring!!

Cold and Gray.

Go to work in the Dark, Get Home in the Dark.

No Sunlight until the Weekend.

No Mas! Wake me when It’s over, Please!

I’m trying to think Spring.

So I went out and bought a Lawn Ornament for my Yard.

I think it’ll look great from the Street.

You can have them personalized too.

Close Up

On August 5, 2001, the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association (GFWA) dedicated a monument to honor the women who have been – and are – the soul of fishing communities.

As Angela Sanfilippo, GFWA president, so eloquently said at the dedication ceremony:

“The memorial serves as a testimonial to what wives, mothers, sisters, and children of fishermen of the world have endured because their men chose to be on the water. They had no choice but to stand on rock, to be on land.”

Envisioned by the wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters of Gloucester fishermen, the memorial honors not only the faith, diligence, and fortitude of the wives of fishermen and mariners everywhere but also honors all women for their unselfish contribution to the well being of their families and their communities.

Check out the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association Website for more information:

Sunrise Return


A Blast From My Past!

 The Glickmeister!
 If your also an Oldtimer you may

remember him.

Larry Glick was a Boston radio talk showhost, whose long-running show on WBZ

and later WHDH became a New England

institution in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

I Stayed up Late at night listening to him

when I was in High School in the 70’s.

He was the original Howard Stern and Art Bell put together. Maybe not as racy, but he did have his moments.

Here’s a link to a great Website where you

can listen to some of his best moments

FOR FREE!  That’s my favorite part.

What does this have to do with Gloucester?

NOTHING, other than he had a lot of Fanshere.

Were you one of them?






Do You Really Want to Know How It’s Made?


These Photos were shot undercover at one of the most Popular Bakeries in the United States. What a disgrace! To Think Grandma’s homemade recipe has been reduce to this Mass Produced pile of crap. You’ll thank me for not posting the photos of how these Chefs added the Whipped Cream Topping!  Thanks to a Cape Ann Online poster for bringing this to my attention.  I hope you did’nt know about any of this Laurie!

A Simple Formula for Pricing Artwork

Paulie Frontiero sent me a link to this blog post on how this person prices thier artwork-

 Lori Woodward writes-

Pricing artwork is one of the most complex tasks that emerging artists face, especially when they first begin to work with galleries. It’s easy to see by reading articles and books on art marketing that the opinions of the experts vary.

To make it even more complicated, we artists sometimes price with our emotions. Some artists overprice their work in order to impress viewers, hoping to make the artwork look more valuable. Sometimes this works, but usually only when the collector is naive or when the artwork is spectacular and gets the attention of serious collectors. When I price with my emotion, I tend to lower my prices because I feel sorry that the collector has to spend so much. Now, don’t get on me for this … it’s the truth. I’m an empathetic type, but I need to be careful to not price my work based on how I feel about it or collectors. In other words, I need to look at pricing objectively.

Putting emotions aside, let me share a simple formula that many of my professional artist friends have used when first starting to sell their work. I still use this formula. Remember that pricing reflects your position and reputation in the art-selling world more than what your art looks like. If you’re relatively unknown to collectors and don’t have many credentials—such as having placed in competitions, shown with a well-known gallery, or had your work published—you really can’t get the same prices as artists who do have those credentials.

When you’re first starting out, it’s a good idea to make your work as affordable as you can while being able to cover your costs and make a small profit. Don’t charge so little that you don’t break even. Remember that galleries often take a 50 percent commission from sales, so you’ll have to take that into consideration.

click here for the way she formulates her prices

I’m curious if this makes sense to any of you artists out there.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Dom and John Nesta’s Rocky Neck Snow Plow Video From Paulie Frontiero

Paulie Reports-

John Nesta and his Son Dom plowing the Sidewalks of Rocky Neck. Dom uses it as a promotional vehicle for his Shoveling Business. If people want their walkways or driveways shoveled around the rocky neck area they can contact DOM  at; or
What a great snow plow. It even has a blinking yellow Light.