GMG T Shirts For Sale For The Holidays

Paulie Frontiero will be printing up GMG Logo T-Shirts for sale for holiday presents

Short Sleeve- $15

Long Sleeve- $17

Sweatshirts- $25

shipping $2.99

easy- peasy holiday shopping for the true GMG lover right here

send an email to for ordering information and to help support the cause

You can also order Sharon’s Calendars here



Joey’s Holiday Photos here

Come Down The Dock This Morning

Come down the dock this morning to grab a tshirt(or three), get your picture taken for the blog holding your tshirt, and I’ll have coffee(Starbucks), and if you would like a free GMG Gloucester sticker!  There aren’t many Gloucester Stickers left so his is a limited time offer!

Come down, hang out, have fun, see the inner sanctum of GMG headquarters, and donate for a great cause.

It’s 95 East Main Street

I wasn’t going to pre-sell any but we got a generous donation to buy another 48 shirts from Evelyn at Cape Ann Online so we should have plenty for the G-GAP event at Cape Ann Community Cinema at Gloucester Stage Co on Wednesday night.