Gloucester Oscars | CODA afterglow Front Page Gloucester Daily Times

A joyous read for Gloucester and movie fans everywhere, Gloucester Daily Times front page serves as a beacon to the triple Oscar winning film CODA with great reporting by Ethan Forman and Gail McCarthy and photographs by Paul Bilodeau.

REPORTER Ethan Forman

Ethan Forman’s piece features multiple local interviews, businesses and locales.

“…CODA did not turn to special effects to tell the story on the water. Instead, it turned Capt. Paul Vitale’s 50 foot fishing vessel Angela + Rose into a working movie set in August and September of 2019.”

Ethan Forman. Gloucester Daily Times, March 30, 2022 | Read the complete article here

“They are definitely the little film that could,” said Meg Jarrett, of Gloucester, the liaison for Cape Ann for the Massachusetts Film Office, who spoke of the importance of CODA’s success, saying it will make it easier to film other productions on Cape Ann.”

Ethan Forman CODA coverage in the Gloucester Daily Times March 30, 2022


“This is Our Moment”: Deaf Community Celebrates 3 Oscar Wins for ‘CODA’

Gail McCarthy continues her excellent CODA chronicling

“Gloucester is at the center of an independent film that sent not a ripple, but a tidal wave throughout the Deaf community with its message being heard at the White House and around the world.

The cinematic pebble that started that ripple was the film “CODA,” which stands for Child of Deaf Adult(s), but coda is a term often linked more to the music world than the Deaf community.

That began to change Sunday night…”

Gail McCarthy, Gloucester Daily Times, March 30, 2022 read the full article here

See prior Gail McCarthy piece here

**updated: correction brain freeze – apologies for crediting Sean Horgan instead of Ethan Forman in the first pass! Sorry Ethan**

Arts Update from Mayor Romeo Theken


  • So grateful for the calls and emails  related to the arts hotline:

  • The first business to respond to arts hotline was ZEKE’S.

  • FREE shared studio spaces are available downtown within the historic Fitz Henry Lane house:

    • on the second floor; approx 6 feet by 10 feet; carved out space within landmark Schooner Adventure headquarters
    • on the first floor; approx 6 x 10 feet; carved out shared space within Sail GHS office
    • email sefatia4arts@gloucester-ma-gov if you’re interested in signing up for one of the shared studio spaces
    • Sail GHS has also extended a generous offer to bring artists sailing who may want to be out on the water for their plein air work




Gloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -11 kimsmithdesigns.comMayor Romeo Theken and Ninety Nine Restaurant and Pub President Charlie Noyes signing the declaration.

Gloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -13 kimsmithdesigns.comMoving Gloucester Forward!

Today before an international delegation from the Seafood Expo North America held at the Gloucester House Restaurant luncheon, Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken announced a brand new partnership between Ninety Nine Restaurant and Pub, Gloucester Seafood Processing, and Fishermen’s Wharf.  Ninety Nine will source local seafood from Gloucester to all of its 105 New England restaurants.

“The City of Gloucester would like to thank the Ninety Nine Restaurant and Pub for this new business opportunity for the Gloucester seafood industry. The relationship between our city and the Ninety Nine Restaurant and Pub would not have happened if it were not for the strength of Gloucester seafood and its world-renowned products, ” said Mayor Theken

“The Ninety Nine Restaurant and Pub is based here in Massachusetts and as part of our culture, we strive to build local partnerships with communities across the region. We see today’s announcement, and our decisions to contract Gloucester Seafood as a smart way to support our efforts to offer healthy, fresh, local options to our guests,” said President Charlie Noyes. “We are proud to support the local economy and offer Gloucester seafood to our guests given its strong reputation in the marketplace.”Gloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -9

Gloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester kimsmithdesigns.comGloucester Fishermen’s Wives President Angela San Filippo, Maria and Sal Di Stefano

Gloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -8 kimsmithdesigns.comChamber President Ken Riehl and Community Development’s Carol Thistle

Gloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -12 kimsmithdesigns.comMayor Sefatia thanking Lenny LinquataGloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -3

Gloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -2 kimsmithdesigns.comGloucester House SENA2016 Innovate Gloucester -4 kimsmithdesigns.comCity Councilors Scott Memhard and Jamie O’Hara


Updated With Mobile Phone Screenshot Demo- #GloucesterMA SeeClickFix App Which Allows Citizens To Report Public Works Issues

So Mayor Theken announced that the SeeClickFix App that Sal DiStefano talked about on GloucesterCast 129 (listen here) is live!  I went to the City website to find it but there wasn’t any hyperlink, just instructions that it was actually out there and live.  Knowing that most people won’t follow through with a web search to go and find it and download it I’ll provide the direct links to download the app. I also produced a screenshot video from my cell phone of just how easy it is to download and use (see below).

First the direct links to get the App fr Android and Apple-

For Android Click Here


For iPhone Click Here



While you’re At It, Might As Well Download The GMG Android App Free Here


Next The Screenshot Demo Of How Easy The SeeClickFix App Is To Download and Use-

And Another For The GMG App-

and Mayor Theken’s original press release-

Gloucester will use SeeClickFix to improve quality of life and encourage civic participation

Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken today announced that the City of Gloucester has launched a new program that will allow residents to report quality-of-life issues and request municipal services through an online and mobile interface. Powered by SeeClickFix, the place-based reporting platform allows Gloucester residents to document neighborhood concerns and improvements, ranging from litter or flooding to damaged sidewalks and malfunctioning traffic signals.

“Gloucester is proud to provide the community with an easy-to-use web tool that helps them access services and make positive changes in the community,” said Mayor Romeo Theken.

With the online and mobile reporting platform, residents can report quality-of-life concerns through service request categories via the City of Gloucester website, mobile applications (e.g., iPhone and Android), a Facebook App, and the website The platform allows Gloucester residents to provide locations, descriptions, and photos of any issue, in real time. Once a resident submits a concern, the platform issues an alert that becomes public information available to any resident. This will allow the City of Gloucester to acknowledge a service request, route it to the proper department and update the request as needed, including after the matter has been resolved.

The platform also allows Gloucester residents to view, comment on, and vote to fix problems that are submitted by their neighbors. Citizens can even create their own “watch areas” to receive notifications about any category of issues in their community and subsequently follow the progress of all related service requests—not just the one they reported.   Reports can be submitted and tracked from the City of Gloucester website directly ( Residents will also find links to download SeeClickFix mobile applications on the City’s website.