So many thanks to everyone who came out for my talk at the Cultural Center last night. Thank you to old friends who were there and thank you to my new friends; it was a pleasure to meet you! We had a wonderful turnout. The Cultural Center at Rocky Neck and the Rocky Neck Art Colony did a tremendous job hosting. With special thanks and gratitude to Martha Swanson, Suzanne Gilbert Lee, Jane Keddy, Karen Ristuben, Tom Nihan, and Mary Lou. The Beautiful Birds of Cape Ann thank you to!


What to do Today

Today’s a great day to tour the Art Gallery’s on Cape Ann. What else is there to do on a warm Drizzly, Foggy almost Summer Day? Boating, Beach, Cookouts?   Maybe Next weekend.

Take a walk thru Downtown Gloucester, Rockport, Rocky Neck and check out all the talented  Cape Ann artists.

Go visit a gallery today, take some pictures and send them in to GMG to be posted.

I stole this idea from deb Clarke. My reflection in John Nesta Gallery's window
Painting of a Tug on the gloucester Marine Railways. John Nesta Gallery

Visit John Nesta and see his Beautiful Paintings Of Cape Ann at his Gallery on Rocky Neck.

John Nesta Gallery

The John Nesta Gallery on Rocky Neck

I had Great Time Visiting John at his Gallery on Rocky Neck this past weekend. He is a wealth of information on Painting and the Gloucester Waterfront. If you’ve never been, put it on your “ToDo” List.

John’s there 7 days a week, All Year Long. You can usually see his Red Van or as he calls it his “Studio on Wheels” parked out front.

He has an Easel and everything else he needs for Painting in the back so he can paint in any weather conditions. 

John is a prolific Painter and you’ll see that when you visit his Gallery.

Here are some Photos I took Last weekend at The John Nesta Gallery.

Entrance to the John Nesta Gallery on Rocky Neck
When you first step in John’s Gallery LOOK UP, You’ll see some of his old Palettes. Amazing! He only uses 3 Colors plus white.
What you’ll see when you first walk in
You gotta see this Painting in Person
Just a few of I’m sure of hundreds of John’s Paintings
Beautiful and afordable Sketches of the Cape Ann Area


Visit John at His Gallery on Rocky Neck

or click the link below to visit his webpage

From FOB (friend of the blog) Brenda Malloy-

Hello Joey and Happy Day~
if your interested in passing this blurb along, I’d appreciate it:

The Rocky Neck Art Colony Winter Stroll was such an overwhelming success last weekend that the artists wanted to spread the word that they will all be open from the 19th through the 24th. Most will be open from at least noon until 4pm, except for Xmas eve day, some may close earlier.

With handmade offerings of a wonderful variety of fine paintings, jewelry, pottery, glass ornaments and mobile’s, scarves, greeting cards and much, much, more, many at discounted prices, people are sure to be pleased.

The following galleries will be open:
Elynn Kroger Gallery, Karen Ristuben Gallery, Side Street Gallery, Sigrid Olson Gallery, Goetteman Gallery, John Nesta Gallery and Brenda Malloy’s IMAGINE gallery.

Hope to see you there to join in our festive fair and to experience some of the wonderful art of Rocky Neck. For more information call 978-282-1346. Thanks!