Local artists featured in annual outdoor sculpture exhibitions

Fall art walks

September, Newburyport, MA: For the third year, Sinikka Nogelo’s art is featured in the Maudslay State Park annual outdoor sculpture exhibition . Reception and walk through with the artists tomorrow, 2-5pm.

Thru Oct 7, Harvard, MA: Liz Fletcher’s sculpture was selected for the 2018 annual Around the Pond and Through the Woods Outdoor Sculpture at Old Frog Pond Farm, Harvard, Massachusetts. The show closes October 7th. If you time it right you can also attend the annual Plein Air Poetry walk September 16, 2-4pm.  I’d love to see a Cape Ann Plein Air Sculpture and Poetry walk, perhaps through Dogtown, TS Eliot, beach, and Cape Ann Museum properties.

Thru Nov 4, Pingree School, S. Hamilton, MA: Look for works by Liz Fletcher, Michael Updike and Bart Stuyf in the ninth annual Flying Horse Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition at Pingree which opened September 1 and continues through November 4, 2018.

Maudslay State Park exhibit 2018

Beautiful dedication of Morgan Faulds Pike altarpiece in Rockport

Carved from limewood. Look at the range in surfaces!

detail morgan faulds pike 20171008_103437
(detail) Rererdos St Mary’s Rockport, MA wooden alterpiece carved by master American sculptor Morgan Faulds Pike.


Dir Rev Karin E Wade developed a very special service today at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 24 Broadway, Rockport, MA. The visitation of Bishop Alan M. Gates and Deacon Bruce Nickerson for the dedication of the graceful and evocative Reredos by sculptor Morgan Faulds Pike was a resounding (and glorious sounding) success. There are wonderful acoustics in this little church.


Bishop Gates related that he was a Russian scholar, and acknowledged the exquisite music and choir immediately. I believe he mentioned the Lvovsky Hospodi Pomiloi specifically (see program notes below). The Offertory Anthem, Each Road, with words by Jeannette M. Lindholm and music by David C. Pike, inspired by Morgan’s work and created for the dedication of the new reredos, was still to come! All of it was so very moving. If you were unable to join today’s dedication,

save the date as there will be a Festive Evensong Dedication on Sunday October 29, 2017 at 4pm

morgan faulds pike 20171008_103529

Morgan Faulds Pike website Continue reading “Beautiful dedication of Morgan Faulds Pike altarpiece in Rockport”

PAUL MANSHIP #GloucesterMA historic artist home and studio milestone! STARFIELD property purchased and in the news

Read Gail McCarthy article “Local group buys, plans art residency for sculptors’ estate” from the Gloucester Daily Times.


American artist Paul Manship (1885–1966) was internationally renowned since the 1920s. He maintained multiple homes and studios: two in the Unites States (New York and Gloucester, MA); Paris; London; and three in Italy. This very special purchase–the only one in the world of a Manship property– Starfield, in the Lanesville section of Gloucester, MA, was made possible by the incredible generosity of the Manship heirs, YOU- Gloucester and MA residents (City of Gloucester & the Commonwealth of MA monies were allocated to this initiative), foundations, businesses and private donations. Congratulations to Rebecca Reynolds and all involved. Early supporters included: the City of Gloucester; Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund (MassDevelopment in collaboration with the Massachusetts Cultural Council); the Boston Foundation; Essex County Community Foundation; McDonagh Family Foundation; Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation; National Trust for Historic Preservation; Massachusetts Cultural Council; New England Biolabs Foundation; and Essex National Heritage.

Read more about the funding here

Now that the property is purchased, there will be ongoing fundraising to maintain the property and its mission.

If ever there was a forever endowment match sought, this prestigious Manship opportunity would be one to grab!

Follow this link to see rare, original art by Paul Manship, John Manship and Margaret Cassidy that was recently made available FOR SALE to help raise money for this endeavor. Join to support the cause by donating on line through the website, Manship Artists Residency and Studios (MARS). Eventually the historic property will be open to the public and community, and will support working artists.


There are more than 15,000 historic house museums across the county, and just a few that were artists’ home and studios. One of the most influential is the Pollock-Krasner house in East Hampton, Long Island, established in 1988.  A welcome recent addition is the Winslow Homer property in Portland, ME. Here’s hoping the Manship estate is a member on this Historic Artists’ Homes & Studios (HAHS) map soon. Currently, the Massachusetts sites include Daniel Chester French’s Chesterwood in Stockbridge, and the Frelinghuysen Morris home in Lenox.

Historic Artists' homes & studios GOOGLE map



Amazing Gloucester High School trip to Spain and Portugal

Over the April 2017 school vacation, Gloucester High School students and chaperones traveled to Spain and Portugal. Report from the trip:

Mr. Celestino Basile, World Language Coordinator at the High School, led the group through visits to Madrid, Toledo, Cordoba, Seville, Costa del Sol, & Granada, as well as many other fascinating spots in Spain before heading to Lisbon, Portugal. Basile has brought many groups of GHS students to Europe over the years. While in Seville, on Easter Sunday, some of the Spanish exchange students who had visited Gloucester in September 2016 (staying for 3 weeks with GHS students and their families, and attending GHS with their hosting student) were able to meet up with and visit the Gloucester group. What an amazing opportunity for these kids, thanks to Mr. Basile! Highlights included a flamenco evening, an evening cruise, visiting the beach at Costa del Sol, and re-connecting with the exchange students who had visited Gloucester.

In Gloucester,MA, one must experience Fisherman at the Wheel,  the iconic bronze memorial by Leonard Craske installed in 1925. While in Madrid one must visit Oso y El Madrono– the bear and strawberry tree– the 1967 monument to the symbol of Madrid by artist Antonio Navarro Santafé.  Bears are common symbols worldwide but a bear leaning on a strawberry tree and eating the fruit heralds solely Madrid. Before that sculpture commission, Santafé modeled Madrid’s Bear of Berlin as well as sculpture gifts for dignitaries based on Madrid’s memorable coat of arms. Madrid’s bear was modeled on a local one* captured in the Picos de Europa mountains and sent to the zoo in El Retiro. “The bear, more than Difficult, it is ungrateful, because it is animal in a heavy way, and the sculptor has to guess its anatomy through its imposing fur coat. Anyway, like everything done by God, and for Nature, it is beautiful.” 

“My bear, which is the Bear of Madrid, in the fabulous wheel of the Puerta del Sol!” Antonio Navarro Santafé

The Gloucester High School students were there! And the Prado, and…



Antonio Navarro Santafe, Parque de Berlin Oso de Berlin, Madrid




Spanish language teacher and chaperone, Heidi Wakeman, sent two photos and summarized the trip for Good Morning Gloucester:

“37 students, 6 chaperones, 2 countries and 1 Spanish tour guide = ONE AMAZING TRIP! The GHS trip to Spain and Portugal was an exciting, educational and exhausting excursion!  We landed on Wednesday, April 12 and started sightseeing right away (El Prado museum, to see Las Meninas, el Greco, among other masterpieces).  There were cathedrals, churches, plazas and palaces.  A highlight was the reunion with Spanish students that lived here in Gloucester last fall. Students spoke and listened to a lot of Spanish, then Portuguese as we finished in Lisbon.  As a middle school Spanish teacher at O’Maley, I was so grateful for the experience: my first time chaperoning an overseas trip, and my first time to Spain! The kids will never forget this trip, and neither will I!”- Heidi Wakeman

Sevilla, Spain from Heidi


Chaperones, Toledo Spain, from Heidi

GHS spain 2017


*Local inspiration:

Anna Hyatt Huntington modeled Joan of Arc at her Annisquam home Seven Acres in part from poses of her niece, Clara, and Frank, a ‘magnificent Percheron’  from the Gloucester fire department. The Gloucester cast is a monument to the WW1 heroes of Gloucester. Leonard Craske’s Gloucester Fisherman at the Wheel is a debated composite.


oral history transcript 1969 A Hyatt Mayor Adores his Aunt Anna Hyatt Huntington (read by Marie Demick)