You have until noon tomorrow to save $10

EntrainPoster_900bJust because tomorrow’s Entrain concert will help raise money for Gloucester’s UU Meetinghouse Restoration Fund doesn’t mean you should pay more than you have to.

Yesterday we told you the minute a few good seats were released for John Sebastian (they were gone within an hour of our post).  Today we’re giving you fair warning that $20 advance tickets for Entrain will be gone by noon tomorrow.

So get down to the Liquor Locker tonight or when they open tomorrow at 8am.  Or get advance tickets online here.

Big week in Gloucester for Brian Alex

Brian Alex on Local Music Seen with Allen Estes

You know that Gloucester’s music scene is going places when we can attract a star like Entrain’s Brian Alex three times in the same week!

Tonight (WED) he’ll be the featured guest on the Cape Ann TV show “Local Music Seen with Allen Estes” airing at 6:30pm.  And if you miss it, you can watch the whole show on-line here.

Tomorrow, you can see him live at The Rhumb Line 8:30pm with Dave Sag, John Keegan, John Hyde, Mark Earley and Ephraim Lowell.

Then on Saturday, he’ll be fronting the ENTRAIN benefit for Gloucester’s UU Church Meetinghouse at 8pm (save $7.25 if you get tickets here).  It’s a good week to get a taste of Brian’s extraordinary and versatile talent!

There’s something primal about drums — Feel it SAT @ Gloucester’s UU Church Meetinghouse

EntrainPoster_900bArchaeologists have dated instruments back at least 37,000 years. They figure the first ones were likely made long before that and were probably flutes and drums.  Suffice it to say that when we hear and feel drums, most of us react instinctively by moving — even if it’s just a little bit — and our consciousness changes a little bit too.  This Saturday, you can feel what I’m talking about at Gloucester’s UU Meetinghouse when we present ENTRAIN.  In case you haven’t guessed, it’s the perfect venue to experience drums for lots of reasons.  Built in 1806, it’s the oldest standing church building in Gloucester; it’s made of wood; the acoustics are spectacular!

Don’t wait until the last minute.  Get your tickets now and save $10.

More music to benefit Gloucester’s UU Church Meetinghouse

Thanks, to everyone who came out to support Gloucester’s UU Church Meetinghouse Restoration last Saturday — and especially to 3rian King, Chelsea Berry, Renee Dupuis, Joe Cardoza, Brendan Burns, Meff & Dennis Monagle, who delivered a stellar performance that had the crowd swaying and singing to “All You Need Is Love!”

Next Saturday we change it up a bit and ROCK THE MEETINGHOUSE with Martha’s Vineyard-based, six-piece ENTRAIN, featuring founder/drummer Tom Major and lead singer/guitar wiz Brian Alex, for their only North Shore concert this spring.  As Entrain’s conga/djembe/trombonist Sam Holmstock says, “The most important thing that we try to do with our music is bring everybody together in the spirit of peace, love, fun and a ton of drums!”  Nothing more to say, really.  Just watch the video (get tickets here

SPECIAL TAPING TOMORROW, TUES, DEC 3: Brian Alex of Entrain and local guitar virtuoso Ken Bonfield

Here’s your last chance in 2013 to be in the studio audience when we tape two new shows for Local Music Seen with Allen Estes.  We start taping about 2pm with guest Ken Bonfield, who is featured in Acoustic Guitar Magazine this month.  Then we welcome Brian Alex of Entrain for our second show.

Both tremendously talented musicians promise to make for excellent shows.  You can join the studio audience at Cape Ann TV, 38 Blackburn Center (get directions).  As usual we ask that you get there by 2pm, but don’t expect us to start on time — it’s TV, something always happens.

Here are a couple of videos to give you an idea of the very high level of musicianship you can expect to enjoy.