Honoring Those Who Served

I am very happy this year the “official” Memorial Day falls on the traditional Memorial Day (May 30). I have always had a soft spot for honoring the traditional Memorial Day on May 30 but many do not realize it was ever anything different from the last Monday in May.

Gloucester proudly flies the flag all summer long on the boulevard and also at the Magnolia Pier to honor our local servicemen and women. You cannot help but be proud when you see them all flying proudly. Each of these flags pictured here honor particular servicemen and women. The boulevard flags are donated mostly by family members who want to honor the service and sacrifice made by their family members. It’s a tremendous project headed in part by Pauline Bresnahan (Pauline’s Gifts on Essex Ave) and Ringo Tarr and his volunteers. Thank you, thank you, thank you from all of us.

Just to name a very few of those honored by these flags: Heath S. Moseley, Mary Fortado, Walters Family Joseph and Louis, Stephen Pitcher and John A. Leanos. If you’d like to watch a video from Adam Cucuru of Cape Ann Veterans Services listing all the names, follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/adam.curcuru.3/videos/1050112648931758

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