Unopened 1959 Gloucester senior class photo of a person named Michael Howard.

Hi Joey,

A couple of years ago my wife and I bought a house on Riverview Road. One day while I was up in the attic putting down new insulation I found a package wrapped in what looked like a brown paper bag. I thought I found a bag of Cash!! Unfortunately it wasn’t.. It was however an unopened 1959 Gloucester senior class photo of a person named Michael Howard. After doing a little research, I found out that it was the son of the original builders of the house. I guess he’d be in his mid 70’s now and if he is still around, we’d love to try to give it back to him. We were wondering if there was anything you could do with Good Morning Gloucester to help us see if Michael or the family are still in Gloucester?

Brad Curcuru978-509-9455

One thought on “Unopened 1959 Gloucester senior class photo of a person named Michael Howard.

  1. What a great gesture this is! So many treasures many times go unclaimed! GMG is the spot to get the word out! I do some checking too I was a bit young then 4 years old. Mom or other’s may be able to help here! 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂


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