Intro to Tong Ren ~ June 1

Cape Ann Wellness

Tong Ren combines Western knowledge of anatomy and physiology with the ancient princle of “Chi” to create a powerful healing modality.

In this workshop, you will learn the theory of Tong Ren and experience this very relaxing energy therapy through an experiental group healing session. Tong Ren is known to complement other forms of treatment and proveds a safe, non-invasive alternative for people seeking to improve their well-being and restore the body’s natural flow of nurturing energy.

We welcome participants to come with and disclose their health concerns, challenges and medical diagnosis for healing. A Q&A will follow the healing class.

Noel Poirer, medical board licensed acupuncturist, will answer your questions about how Tong Ren may help you. Noel has studied and trained with Tom Tam in the Tam Healing System. In 2010 he became a certified Tong Ren Practitioner. Through is work at The Collective Healing Center, Noel…

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One thought on “Intro to Tong Ren ~ June 1

  1. So true great post Joey! ! 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂

    Another show I never missed! 🙂 Dave

    The Beginning of Wisdom

    Quotes used with permission of author DJ Vanas (The Tiny Warrior book 2003). To light fires of success, you must first need a spark. This little book is it!

    “(Cricket Tales) young boy on a journey visionary): I serve as a home to the squirrel family, the bird family, and a bee colony. The massive Maple pointed with the delicate tips of its branches as it spoke. I provide sap for your people and shade so moss and mushrooms can grow. The more I think about my purpose, the deeper my roots grow. What is your purpose? To be a warrior! Cricket shouted after drying his tears with his arm. Why? The Maple inquired. Cricket was confused. He had never thought about that. The maple spoke one last time.”

    “You see little boy, until you known your purpose, everything you do will be too hard. Think of your life as a canoe and your decisions and actions as your paddle. You’ll get where you’re going one stroke at a time with the decisions and action you make.”


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