Digestion = Agni

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Cape Ann Wellness

Through the lens of Ayurveda we are what we “digest” not what we eat.

If we don’t digest our food we start to form “Ama”. Ama is a Sanskrit word, which literally means undigested or uncooked. The first stage of disease is also sometimes called Ama “toxins”.

Ayurveda also explains another entity called “Agni”. This word literally means fire. But in this context it means digestive fire. As long as the digestive fire is strong, Ama cannot be formed in the body. Agni (digestive fire) helps to melt down and flush out Ama (toxins) from the body.

Weak Agni (digestive fire) becomes weak by eating out of one’s constitution (Vata, Pitta or Kapha), eating the same foods, overeating, drinking too much water with meals, staying up late, resisting the urge to eat and eating at irregular times.

Presence of Ama (toxins)
Painful or swollen…

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One thought on “Digestion = Agni

  1. Very try and like the healthy heart & Brian the stomach is another key player in over all health and immune system fuel for the body! Excellent post! 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂


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