Making Space for Possibilities

More Cape Ann Wellness News –

Cape Ann Wellness

dreams Photo Credit Susan Hershey, 2013

It was a little over a year ago when Elizabeth and I bundled up the girls and took our dog Speck up into the woods of Lanesville. We walked up past Steel Derrick and down to the end of Bearskin Neck. We stopped at Brothers’ Brew for coffee and doughnuts before heading back up into the woods and to our home in Downtown Lanesville. As often as we can we like to take a walk like this – stretch our legs, exercise the dogs, and expose our daughters to the beauty that surrounds us. (Brothers’ doughnuts are a nice bonus, too)

bsn Speck, David, and Fletcher DeAngelis

Something was different about this walk though. As I stepped out onto the sidewalk Elizabeth let me know, “David, It’s time for us to open our own yoga studio.”

We had been talking about it for years. In fact, our very first…

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Where does the Easter Bunny live?

Nichols Candy House Kim Smith 2016

In a house made of chocolate of course! Easter Bunny House handmade by Jan.

Nichols Candy House -2 Kim Smith 2016

Peeps in a Puddle

Nichols Candy House -3 Kim Smith 2016

For your jelly bean lovers

Nichols Candy House -4 Kim Smith 2016

I love the look of this very old gas fired stove. It has an extremely powerful flame and within seconds of Don igniting, the water was boiling hot. I meant to ask Barbara how old are their stoves and find out more about them. If she, or anyone from the shop, is reading this post, please write in the comment section and let us know. Thank you!

Celebrating 62 Years in the USA Today

  Today March 23, 1954, I celebrate my arrival in Gloucester from Lajes do Pico Azores.

I thank my parents Anibal and Adelina for all their scarifies bringing our family to this great country.

Celebrated at the Azorean Restaurant with one of my favorite meals, Azorean Octopus.


Help Wanted


Local Job:

Recruiting Coordinator located at Varian via Yoh Staffing:

or send resume to:


Call Center/Helpline Counselor/Database Research Associate (Gloucester)

NeedyMeds, a leading online national resource dedicated to increasing public awareness about using healthcare assistance programs, is looking for people who are interested in making a difference in the lives of those who are seeking help managing healthcare expenses. If you are the kind of person who gets a sense of fulfillment in helping others, then you are the kind of person that this national nonprofit is seeking.
NeedyMeds offers information on many programs for people that need help paying for healthcare and prescription medication and runs a Call Center for specific programs and a Helpline for assisting callers looking for resources on NeedyMeds’ website,

The position is for a full-time Call Center/Helpline Counselor/Database Research Associate. The Helpline Counselor position requires assisting our helpline callers in finding and utilizing resources on our website. As Call Center Counselor, the position entails answering questions about specific programs and processing applications. The position also involves daily updating of database(s) and research. The person will also occasionally add support for special projects.

Bilingual Spanish/English is a plus

Required skills are:
Excellent, current computer skills (Mac-based office)
Strong phone skills
Flexibility in switching tasks
Comfort with working on databases
Comfort with repetitive tasks
Accuracy with data entry
Competency with researching on Internet
Accuracy with information
Pleasant demeanor
Mature outlook
Team player
Reliable and dependable transportation
Flexible hours
Excellent benefits

Reply with subject line “Call Center through GMG Blog” by email to with attached cover letter and resume.

compensation: Starting pay: $13/hr with 60-day review and annual reviews thereafter.
employment type: full-time
non-profit organization
The Studio Restaurant
51 Rocky Neck Ave


Have a job you want to post? Post it in the comments!

Field of Blood

field of blood

Field of Blood (22×28 mixed media)

There are two accounts of the death of Judas, one in Matthew, telling of his hanging, and one by Luke in Acts, talking about him falling headlong, bursting open in the middle and his bowels gushing out. Since Luke was a doctor, it is fitting that he would focus on the latter. I didn’t want to paint the bowel gushing, so I painted the hanging with accompanying clues to how the latter occurs. The little black bird on the hanging rope will peck away at it until it breaks under the dead weight of Judas, causing him to fall headlong into the sharp rocks below him, bursting him in the middle so his bowels will gush out. I don’t really believe that a little bird caused it, more likely the dead weight of Judas’ body causing the rope or tree limb to break. The vultures are circling and waiting patiently for the latter to occur to make their meal easier. A fitting end to a man whose sins included worshipping the idol of his greed, sacrificing his Lord to his love for money, and causing the shed of innocent blood. But in the end, it needed to happen to fulfill prophesy and for God’s plan for salvation of man to come into play.

Matthew 27:1-10

Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have Jesus executed. So they bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate the governor.

When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.”

“What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.”

So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.

The chief priests picked up the coins and said, “It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.” So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day. Then was fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet Jeremiah, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of the one on whom a price had been set, on whom some of the people of Israel had set a price, and they gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord commanded me.”

Acts 1:16-19

“Brethren, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. “For he was counted among us, and received his portion in this ministry.” (Now this man acquired a field with the price of his wickedness; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out. And it became known to all who were living in Jerusalem; so that in their own language that field was called Hakeldama, that is, Field of Blood).”

E.J. Lefavour

Awesome Gloucester Winners

Left: AG Trustee Jacob Belcher hands $1000 to David Killian of the Auto Shop group.     Right: Jake with Jarrod Martin, Lexi Ciolino, Chrissy Nugent, and Isaac da Silva of the Library Renovation Team

Last night at GHS four excellent pitches were made by students hoping to make their school more awesome. The trustees of Awesome Gloucester were then faced with choosing the best. Because we were joined this month by the Gloucester Education Fund who matched our normal $1,000 dollar grant, we chose the top two ideas in the closest voting on record. Jack Porter’s Auto Shop class won for their idea to do free spring maintenance on the cars of elders and veterans. Another group of motivated students received a micro-grant to renovate the Library Commons. Congratulations to both groups, you restore our faith that the generations coming up understand the value of service and community building. Details on both projects and information on how to pitch your idea to make Gloucester more awesome can be found at the Awesome Foundation website. To date Awesome Gloucester has funded $31,000 in projects for the city.




Wednesdays with Fly Amero ~ This weeks special guest: Bradley Royds 7-10pm 3.23.2016



Great dinner specials every week!

Wednesday, March 23rd – 7pm
Musical Guest: BRADLEY ROYDS!

bradley fly

Pictured here with good friend Dick Clark, he shows us he’s
visited a few places and done a few things during his brief
time here on Earth. One of the clearest, purest voices you’ll
ever hope to hear, delivering intelligent, passionate original
material flawlessly… every time. Meet Bradley Royds! ~ Fly
Dinner with great music!
*Each week features a special, invited musical guest
Dave Trooper’s Kitchen…
Prepared fresh weekly by “Troop”… always good!
Plus a fine, affordable wine menu!

J.B. Amero

Charlee Bianchini

Looking forward……to seeing you there 🙂

If the shell is-a-rockin’…

Crawl of shame

Don’t come-a-knockin’!  A couple summers ago I came across these two on a Cape Cod Beach while photographing a sunrise with cousin Wendy and friend Helen.   We thought wow, we’ve never seen horseshoe crabs on land and what a beautiful pattern they are making and so I began to photograph them.   We speculated a bit on what they may be doing (maybe one is hurt and it’s friend is helping it back to water?) but confirmed our suspicions after GTS’ing it (googling that sh&$) on our return.  Anyone ever witness this before?  It doesn’t matter what their little crawl of shame was…it was still a cool thing to see.   I guess I need to get out more!

Know Someone Interested in an Engineering Career at Sea? Check out This Opportunity.

While I may not be an expert, I know enough about the Merchant Marines (and standard college tuition rates), to know that this is a pretty incredible opportunity…and an even better deal.  Think hard about whether or not you may know someone who should take advantage of this….before this ship sails.  This program is currently being offered to help find qualified marine engineers as a shortage of such individuals is becoming evident.

To summarize…this program, created by American Maritime Officers and the Seafarers International Union …is offering free training and tuition, room and board, travel expenses, medical insurance, an on-shore stipend, wages for time at sea, and more to qualified candidates to prepare them for a seafaring career.  In just about 30 months, upon successful completion of the program and its phases, graduates will finish, qualified by the United States Coast Guard, and ready to sit for the Third Assistant Engineer exam.  Upon passing the exam, a pretty sweet salary, a career at sea, and the opportunity to travel around the world, will be theirs.

Take a look at their brochure for much more information….and then share with someone who may be interested.

Also find more information at the link below…including an application

The application deadline for the class beginning in January of 2017 is August 8th, 2016.

Gloucester Biotechnology Academy Enrollment Underway

More Cape Ann Community News-

Cape Ann Community

GBA bannerNew Biotech career training academy opens in Gloucester – recent high school grads welcome to apply now!

  • Preparation for entry-level lab tech jobs
  • Nine-month training on modern biotech methods
  • No tuition or fees – course is completely underwritten
  • Paid internship after completing 2 semesters
  • Career skills and mentoring

For your application package:

For more information:  Gloucester Biotechnology Academy

GBA logo

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