Exciting New Film Assignment for the Berkshire Museum and Milkweed Seed Mailing Update

Dear Friends,

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! I hope today finds you with friends and family and enjoying beautiful weather!

I have wonderful news to share about an upcoming exhibit at the Berkshire Museum in which I have been hired to create a film about butterflies in flight. The title of the exhibit is, what else—Butterflies! They have also purchased 26 of my butterfly photographs. Additionally, during the exhibit, my interview film with Tom Emmel will be running on a continuous loop, as will the new short film about butterflies in flight. And best of all, screenings of my full-length Black Swallowtail film and Monarch film will be shown during meet the filmmaker events. This is a fantastic educational project, with a 5,000 square foot exhibit space, which will also house live butterflies. It’s a truly hands-on exhibit, designed with children and adults in mind!

“Butterflies” is scheduled to run through August and will most probably be extended though September. I am attending the opening this coming Friday, May 30th and will take photos and bring you more information about the Berkshire Museum and the exhibit.

Our Cape Ann Milkweed Project went without a hitch and was lots of fun. Most picked up their seeds and if you sent a self-addressed stamped envelope, your package is ready to mail Tuesday morning. So many thanks to Joey for sponsoring the Cape Ann Milkweed Project at Captain Joe and Sons. Thank you so much to everyone that participated, and most importantly, the Monarchs (and myriad other species of pollinators) thank you!!!

Happy Spring Planting!

DSCF3768Monarch Butterfly and Hellenium

10 thoughts on “Exciting New Film Assignment for the Berkshire Museum and Milkweed Seed Mailing Update

  1. Hi Kim, This is wonderful news. Congratulations – you are the butterfly heroine, and I mean that very sincerely. Every time I see ANY butterfly I think of you – even though we don’t know each other, really.

    We don’t know where the Berkshire Museum is, but we go out there sometimes so hopefully we can get to see the entire project in action. It sounds so exciting.

    Wishing you the best, and you deserve multitudes of recognition for the selfless work you do to take care of the pollinators…I don’t think everyone realizes how important they are. Thanks for all your hard work.


    1. Terry thank you for your lovely note, so very much appreciated.

      I’ve never been to the Berkshire Museum either. It’s located in Pittsfield and looks absolutely wonderful, and even has a beautiful little art house cinema. Here’s a link to their website, from which the description below was taken. http://berkshiremuseum.org/

      I wonder if any of our readers have been to the Berkshire Museum?

      Art, history, natural science. Make surprising connections! The Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield, MA offers a unique array of exhibitions, activities, and attractions for visitors of all ages. From fine art and ancient objects to fossils; from an aquarium of native and exotic creatures to the Feigenbaum Hall of Innovation, we are your community museum: a place where everyone, from toddlers to elders, can learn, play, explore, innovate, be engaged and inspired.


      1. Thanks I have seen these flowers before even have some this way now I know why bee’s like them so! 🙂


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