Check Out- “Leash-law options on table tonight” By James Niedzinski

At The Gloucester Daily Times site
Leash-law options on table tonight By James Niedzinski

The fur may very well fly tonight at City Hall.

A proposed new dog ordinance, which may allow dogs to frolic leash free on city beaches, while also raising fines for owners who fail to pick up their dogs’ calling cards, will be up for a public hearing before Gloucester’s full City Council, a week after a council subcommittee passed a set of proposed changes without a recommendation to either approve or turn aside.

If the new ordinance gets approval from the City Council, the first offense for failing to pick up after a pooch is $50, and any subsequent offense is $100.

While dogs are allowed on city beaches during the fall and winter months, the City Council is also being presented with two off-leash options from an ad-hoc committee that began studying the city’s roughly 40-year-old ordinance last November.

The first option is to allow…

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4 thoughts on “Check Out- “Leash-law options on table tonight” By James Niedzinski

  1. I honestly don’t see the point.

    In my admittedly limited experience, every time I’ve gone to Good Harbor off season, the beach has been overrun with off-leash dogs. If nobody is being ticketed for running their dogs off-leash in violation of the posted signs, I do not foresee people being ticketed for continuing to leave their dog piles behind.

    I am not fully aware of all the rules, so if there was unposted rule change to allow dogs off-leash, then my comments are not applicable.


  2. I agree with the above statement. It’s not like anyone is getting ticketed. Ever. Seems like a non-issue. That said, I do think it’s a lot harder to ignore the big pile of poop your dog just left on the beach if you are attached to your dog.


  3. I’ve seen plenty of dog owners fail to pick up their leashed dogs’ mess. If dog owners have poor attitudes about picking up the poop, I doubt that they will suddenly start doing so when they leash their dogs. Personally, I try to pick up my dog’s mess whether he is off-leash or on it. It’s easier to do so at the beach than in the grass (and I get it almost all the time in the grass); because the dog feces are more visible against the pale sand.


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