It’s A Peep Showdown! Melissa Cox’ Peep Show vs Bill Cox’ Buoy Peeps–Who Ya Got?

You know I love my polls here on GMG- Today’s comes from Bill and Melissa Cox who are fiercely competing for the crown of inner household peep centerpiece dominance.

Here are your entries-

Melissa Cox’ Peep Show



Bill Cox’ Buoy Peeps


6 thoughts on “It’s A Peep Showdown! Melissa Cox’ Peep Show vs Bill Cox’ Buoy Peeps–Who Ya Got?

  1. I voted for the Stripper Pole Peep because that Pink wWnged Homie sticker is far too intimidating and struck fear in my heart.

    Very offensive Bill. Try to keep up with the latest PC Police violations. You ought to know better. Next thing you know there will be cats sleeping with dogs, fire and brimstone, and 3 years of plagues- all because of your endorsement of the Homie Sticker in your Easter Peep display.

    Very Offensive to say the least. Be better than this.


  2. I would have voted for Melissa’s peep show but it needed to have more going on. Ten green peeps just staring. Some of them should be getting bunny lap dances and a few more should be slipping the stripper some jellybeans.

    Just one green peep with a marshmallow rabbit sitting on his face. Blue ribbon.

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