2010 leftovers

For a neat and tidy start to the New Year I’ll just post a few leftovers for my last 2010 post. So it’s seems my deal with Santa is paying off in spades and the temp at noon tomorrow will break 50 and no wind. I needed to warm up for the plunge so today I went out and chainsawed up some trees that came down in the Blizzard of 2010.

I am ready for a balmy dip in the harbor. Last night checking out the new Cape Ann Brew space:

I did a, “I’ll have two of those” pointing to those bright beers and although I don’t know what I was drinking they were very tasty. Having a fish and chips with my beer on that deck in the spring will be something to look forward to. Meanwhile, backing up a day we did a hike up from the Keystone bridge to Steel Derrick. I must be blind or it was always leafy but I never noticed the ROUS on the top of this house right before you go under the bridge:

For non-Princess Bride speakers that is a Rodent of Unusual Size. Fred Boden who I ran into at the bar said this thing is made of steel. Homie can’t believe it. The hiking was easy as X-country skiers had packed the path up the big siphon tube to Steel Derrick and we made it around to see the dude in the rock:

Just a touch of open water next to him otherwise a sheen of ice. A camera malfunction will not allow the posting of me doing laps here in my birthday suit. Too much pink broke the sensor. That ends my year. Now to get ready for swimming lessons at noon tomorrow.

One thought on “2010 leftovers

  1. In regards to the “ROUS” that is the work of Chris Williams, metal sculptor. My kids and I met Chris about 4 years ago when we found out about the Cape Ann Artisans tour, which occurs twice a year in June and in October. Chris was not part of the tour last year, unfortunately. You can see more of his work at Latitude 43 restaurant (among many other places); there is an octopus and a bonsai rail at the restaurant.

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