OK It’s Time To Put Up!

Paulie Walnuts has issued a challenge of sorts.  He has called me out and challenged me to take part in the great tradition that is the Rocky Neck Plunge.

For those of you who don’t know, the Rocky Neck Plunge takes place on New Year’s Day at noon.  A number of folks strip down and plunge into the icy cold waters of the Atlantic on Rocky Neck.

First what you should know is that I don’t even like to go into the water at Good Harbor in June.  I prefer a heated pool to ice cold ankles which feel as if they would shatter with a mere tap.

This being said I think this could be an opportunity.  A big part of GMG has been to show people what can be done with a little initiative and to get folks more involved in our community.  There are all these cool things happening all around us and when people say “There’s nothing to do around here”  I just wanna bitch slap them and tell them to wake the fuck up!  There is an embarrassment of riches around here when it comes to getting involved in our community.

So here it is!  This is your chance.  This is a new year.  Whatcha gonna do?  You gonna join your boy Joey and take the challenge?  This could be the beginning of the rest of your life as someone who doesn’t just sit around but someone that takes life by the balls and says “Fuck it! I’m Gonna  Do It!”

Get up!  Rise out of that Chair and scream to the heavens-


No excuses!  2011 is gonna be even better than 2010!  Join me and others at Rocky Neck and bring the New Year in right!

Who Will Join Me?



click for video-


What I do for our readership.  Oy!

13 thoughts on “OK It’s Time To Put Up!

  1. Really? Really are you nuts!! Paulie Walnuts issued a challenge to freeze your nuts off and your going to. Oh well…what the hell….see you there!


  2. I’d love nothing better than to join all of you in freezing my ass off but I’ll be here in Michigan where the sane people live!!


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