Ready! Aim! Art?


Deb Clarke gave me the “Heads” up on this Info. So I knew it must’ve had something to do with Art.

Is it Art?  Is It Intelligent Design?   What do You think?

Urinal Art

This Just in from;

“Sometimes your mind wanders in the most unusual places. It happened to me the other day as I was releasing the few extra beers I drank, and found myself concentrating on that little fly in the urinal. Then I thought about how that little insect made life a little better for the cleaning people who probably have less to clean, and for the customers of the place who have had a little more fun while in the restrooms (yes it doesn’t take much for a drunk guy to have fun).

So if you think about it, this simple drawing of a fly improved everybody’s life a little. But how?

  • By staying simple.
    A common advice for webdesigners is: “Don’t make the user think”. In our particular case, the urinal user doesn’t think and just follows his instinct: he pisses on that damn annoying fly that’s teasing him.
  • By understanding the user’s needs.
    In the urinating situation, all the user needs is a little guidance to focus on keeping the place clean, without even thinking about it. If the user instinctively knows what to do, your design is good.
  • By making a clever use of white space.
    Less is more, every designer knows this sentence I guess. If you designed this, many clients would probably have asked you to make the fly bigger or add more flies, which would in both cases be totally useless.” 
  •   From Designer-Daily

14 thoughts on “Ready! Aim! Art?

  1. OMG. I love it, by staying simple had me laughing like all hell. Capeannpainter you are good. That was tremendous. I love the way your mind thinks. And yes Joey, he is Don’t listen to Joey, if he gives you any shit, what does he know. Who said that? Not me…lol… Hi Joey!!!!


  2. This is not ART! This is ridiculous………….just shows how way too far things have gone in our society; which does not, by the way make it better!


    1. Wow, they sell the fly decals in ten packs for ten bucks? I wonder how they stand up to high pressure washing. I see it as a little too expensive.

      On another topic which is not so far off, who licks the chocolate off all those big white mints?


  3. and if you get over to my blog say hello! i’m meeting some great peeps from all over the world and the us.
    i gotta start a fan mail file. i am truly amazed.


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