Sharon Lowe Offers Up Prize For Winner Of What Zat Slideshow Game

From Sharon-

“Because it wasn’t clear that the What Zat? game was a slide show, I’m going to give the t-shirt to the first person who identified the Annisquam Lighthouse. It was Paula Ryan O’Brien. If Paula sees this, please contact me at Congratulations!

A new contest with one photo will begin on Monday, December 1.”

Sharon also will be exhibiting 6 framed prints (suitable for holiday giving!) at the First National Bank of Ipswich in the Walgreen’s plaza.  If you are in the area, check out some of Sharon’s incredible work.

GMG Local Shopping Spotlight- Present On Pleasant Street

In deference to Black Friday, fighting the madness and risking your lives at the malls I will be highlighting local shopping alternatives for your holiday gift giving dollars.

Today I’ll start out with an aptly titled local store which is a coopperative of local artisans who rent space on Pleasant Street and have their shop- Present.