Zentagle and Attack of the Cucuzza!

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GMG FOB Renate Paster-Pusch writes the following ~

“It was so nice to talk to you at the Block Party. As I said, I enjoy your contributions to the GMG blog so much and we listen to the podcast, when we are going on drives. We have not listened to the latest podcast, but will be able to hopefully later today

As promised, I am sending you the picture of Werner being attacked by the snake gourds, that Joey put on the blog 2 (?) years ago. I am also attaching a picture of what I am doing with the dried gourds. I am using Zentangle patterns. I am a certified Zentangle Teacher and am teaching these patterns. You can find out more about zentangle (if you are interested) at www.zentangle.com. I would be glad to give you a complimentary lesson, but I know that you are extremely busy and might not have the time, but it is a great stress reliever and is also called “Yoga of the brain”.

Hope you enjoy the pictures and keep up the good work!”

Thank you Renate for your very kind words and for the offer to learn Zentagle. Your hand painted cucuzza is stunning and reminds me of aboriginal art for didgeridoos. So glad to know you are enjoying the podcasts and Love the photo of Werner!


Grilled Veggie Pesto Pizza




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         Grilled Veggie Pesto Pizza

A few summers ago,  I came across a mouth watering photo of a Grilled Veggie Pesto Pizza on the very popular Blog site “The Pioneer Women” belonging to Ree Drummond. When I read the list of ingredients included in Ree’s Grilled Veggie Pesto Pizza; pesto, grilled zucchini, goat cheese, roasted peppers… I immediately got hungry, and knew I had to make it for a friends end of the summer BBQ.   Using zucchini, summer squash, and basil, from my farm share at the Applenton Farm I whipped up my own “Basil Pesto” recipe and followed Ree’s guide for the pizza.  After sampling the first bite I fell in love.  The combination of flavors is absolutely amazing!  The past few summers I have made it numerous times and it’s always a big hit.  I give “The Pioneere Women,”  Ree Drummond’s Grilled Veggie Pesto Pizza a double thumbs up! Trust me, give this one a try…you won’t be disappointed. It’s a great way to use fresh zucchini and basil growing this time of year!   

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Tonight we are celebrating a few friends Belated Birthdays’ on the beach… and this is on the menu!

For Step-by-Step Recipe details  and photos click see more Continue reading “Grilled Veggie Pesto Pizza”

Sista Felicia Does Moms Zucchini Side Dish At The Gloucester Daily Times Taste Of The Times


Check It Out At The Gloucester Daily Times Website By Clicking here

The summer vegetables will be coming soon and this simple version of preparing zucchini is another recipe from Felicia Mohan’s home style Italian kitchen. When zucchini becomes plentiful you need many different ways to prepare it that are simple and of course tastes good.
This particular recipe is one of the ways her mother used to prepare zucchini and that is where it got its’ name. The main ingredients that give this side dish its flavor are the basil, the chicken broth and the juice of a fresh lemon. Felicia insists that the lemon juice be fresh in order to achieve the full flavor.