Manchester Essex Falls to Northeast in Semi-Final Football Action

A tough day on Saturday for the Hornets as they fell in semi-final action to Northeast Metropolitan 38-12. Behind 14-6 at the half, the defense played long and hard in the second half and held for several exciting stops but the offensive team could only find the end zone one more time. A good season for the Hornets comes to an end, but memories of how far they got in the tournament should be an inspiration at the start of next season!

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The Pink Angels Represent! In Wakefield/Reading Training For the Breast Cancer 3 Day

Hi Joey,
Nice to see you at Khan Studio and Good Morning Gloucester Gallery on Thursday.

Attached please find a picture of some Pink Angels representing GMG today in Wakefield/Reading with our pink "Hope" duckies. Our team is training for the Breast Cancer 3 Day this July in Boston (60 miles for a Cure!). Today’s training walk was 17 miles. We brought along the ducks and GMG bumber sticka for extra inspiration.
Take care,
Liz Dooley
