Sign up to read to Zyla the dog at Sawyer Free Library!

Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Public Library children’s services offers fantastic weekly programming. Zyla the Therapy Dog loves a good book! The next “Sign up to read” or sit with Zyla are January 29th, March 5th and May 14th. Looking ahead: there’s plenty of time to prepare for the annual Poetry Without Paper contest co-founded by Jon Ronan with Christy Russo, Director of Children’s Services. This year, national Poem in Pocket Day falls on April 25, 2019.


Calling All Poets! Open Mic in Rockport

A tradition of the Motif No.1 Day arts festival is to feature poets from Cape Ann and their work in a poetry reading, which takes place each year at 4pm.

This year the event is hosted by Christopher Anderson of the Eastern Point Lit House, and will take place in an open mic format. Poets and readers of all ages welcome. Come early for the other literary events at the festival (the Magnetic Poetry Slam, Book Spine Poetry, selections from Shakespeare presented by Cape Ann Shakespeare Troupe, and more) and stay for the Words Before Dinner Poetry Reading.


Click HERE for a general festival Schedule of Events.

Author, Fred Dillen Reading at The Cultural Center Friday, March 7


Karen MacLean is a blue collar woman in her fifties who has risen in the business world to the point she gets to bury the extraneous divisions a New York mergers-and-acquisitions firm spits out.  Karen hates shutting down factory floor guys like her father, but the M&A outfit has promised she can have a company of her own, to run, once she buries her last body, the last fish processor in a hard-times Massachusetts fishing port.  She shows up in town, learns she’s going to be canned when she gets back to New York, and decides to buy and run the old plant.  She has skills and resolve and wins the help of townspeople, including a roughly charming fisherman, but the rest of it ain’t easy.

Sponsored by the Gloucester Writer’s Center at the Cultural Center at Rocky Neck, 6 Wonson Street.  Friday, March 7

You know you’re in the middle of a paradigm shift when the best way to inspire the Zip Line Kid to read & write over the summer turns out to be getting him a phone

My aunt says not to worry.  “You just don’t see 9-year-old boys curling up with a good book during the summer.”

Why should I listen?  My Aunt Mary taught “grammar school” for decades; plus she taught me all the 2nd grade I needed to get into 3rd grade in about a month over the summer of 1963 (yes, dating myself — Vickie’s no where near this old).

I had spent the prior academic year in the Kindergarten row of a two room school-house in Céligny Switzerland because I couldn’t speak enough French to do 2nd grade work.  That’s right Kindergarten row.  You see, there were six rows in one room (K-5) with Madame Fiorina – and she was scary.  Grades 6, 7 & 8 were in another room with Monsieur Fiorina.  He was terrifying!

I hadn’t read, written  or spelled anything in English for a year — and I hadn’t done any subtraction, which is about all the math taught in a U.S. 2nd grade class back in 1962.

Anyhow, Aunt Mary reminded me last weekend that all I wanted to do during the summer was go out and play — just like John.  “It’s normal.  Don’t worry,” she advised confidently.

Back to phones.  We didn’t think we were getting John a phone in order to encourage him to read.  But that’s what happened.  Maybe it’s because this phone has a keyboard, which he likes because it makes it easier for him to text.  And that’s nearly all he uses it for.  Great — he’s reading!

I told John that, about 100 years ago, this guy invented a device that empowered you to have a conversation with another person in real-time.  You didn’t have to type anything.  You didn’t have to read a screen.  You could even close your eyes if you wanted.  I didn’t have to look for my glasses in order to use it.

He gives me a quizzical look for a moment and then, in disgust, blurts out “Oh, Dad,” with that pre-teen attitude you get when you ask if he’s brushed his teeth after he actually has.  Then he turns back to finish texting his cousin in CT.  I hear a bleep from his phone.  Deftly he switches to answer a text from his brother, who’s in the next room.

We’re witnessing the advent of a new era, folks!

The Pink Angels Represent! In Wakefield/Reading Training For the Breast Cancer 3 Day

Hi Joey,
Nice to see you at Khan Studio and Good Morning Gloucester Gallery on Thursday.

Attached please find a picture of some Pink Angels representing GMG today in Wakefield/Reading with our pink "Hope" duckies. Our team is training for the Breast Cancer 3 Day this July in Boston (60 miles for a Cure!). Today’s training walk was 17 miles. We brought along the ducks and GMG bumber sticka for extra inspiration.
Take care,
Liz Dooley


Elyssa East Reading from Newly Published “Dogtown”

Please join us for a reading and signing with Elyssa East
The event will be held at the Bookstore at 7 P.M.
on Thursday October 21st.
Elyssa will be reading from her newly published paperback
book Dogtown, a true-crime story, an art appreciation course,
and an American history lesson about the 3000-acre
woodland in seaside Gloucester.
      Hope to see you,
      Janice (The Bookstore)
