10 BEST FRIED CLAMS list from Yankee Mag New England today

A friend in New York just emailed me this link: 10 Best Fried Clams in New England, courtesy Yankee Magazine’s New England Today. A couple of local Cape Ann favorites made the list. The comment board is climbing fast. I have friends that swear by the Cupboard in Stage Fort Park and various restaurants in Gloucester, Rockport and Essex. Did yours make the 2018 list?

10 best fried clams 2018

Beauport Makes Lonely Planet Top 10 World’s Greatest Mansion and Home List

Making it to the uber cool “Flipboard Picks”:  the latest Lonely Planet Top 10 world’s greatest mansion and home list

…and Gloucester ’s Beauport is on it!  Congratulations Sleeper-McCann.

Here’s the list

Lonely Planet : Live it up! The greatest mansions and grand houses.

1. Marble Palace Mansion , Kolkata , India
2. Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion , Malaysia
3. Werribee Mansion , Australia
4. Villa d’Este, Italy
5. Castle Howard , England
6. Fallingwater , Pennsylvania , USA
7. Château de Chambord , France
8. Catherine Palace , Russia
9. Sleeper-McCann House , Massachusetts , USA

The lavish ‘summer cottage’ of interior designer Henry Davis Sleeper has over 40 rooms and is also known as the Beauport House. Sleeper toured New England in search of houses about to be demolished and bought up selected elements from each: wood panelling, furniture, wallpaper, coloured glass and china.  In place of unity, Sleeper created a wildly eclectic but artistically surprising – and satisfying – place to live. The mansion sits on rocks overlooking Gloucester Harbor and has Arts-and-Crafts-style terraces leading down into a series of garden ‘rooms’.

The house is in Gloucester, Massachusetts. You can visit the house between June and October, Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm. The last hourly tour begins at 4pm.

10. Powerscourt , Ireland

http://t.co/ZuUxFxwq #lp #travel