GloucesterCast 224 With Paul Russo, JD MacEacheran, Elise Jillson and Tucker Smith, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 4/28/17

GloucesterCast 224 With Paul Russo, JD MacEacheran, Elise Jillson and Tucker Smith, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 4/28/17

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Topics Include: Paul Russo’s Blog
Maine House votes to join Atlantic time zone, if New Hampshire and Massachusetts do the same
The change would put an end to resetting the clocks each spring and fall and keep Maine on the equivalent of daylight saving time year-round.
Rocky Neck 5K with JD MacEacheran Free t shirts for registered if you register by May 1st.  After Party and Food Provided by Dennis Dyer at The Studio for Registrants
Ruddy Turnstone Piping Plover Lecture at Parker River National Refuge- Spoke about GHB piping Plovers
Passports Putting In Twelve Tap Beer System