Ben Niedermeyer and Wife 2009 Captain Joe & Sons Best Dressed Customer of The Year Award Winner Joanne Pimp Artist Rob Dieboll

Ben writes-

Hey Joey:  Great to see you and Frank yesterday and thanks for some great lobsters which we at last night.  Joanne wanted me to forward you the website address of our good friend and excellent artist Rob Dieboll.  Rob and his wife Kim actually turned us onto Captain Joe’s in 2007 when we bought our place in Rockport.  We have several of Rob’s prints and a couple of his originals on our walls here.  He is noted for his paintings of Good Harbor beach people and they all evoke a story in the beholder’s imagination.  Check the site out at

Joanne’s gonna make me winner winner chicken dinner next week (hopefully).  Sometime I want you and the Mrs. to come over for my favorite soup in the world that Joanne makes in the winter time:  Portugese bean soup with oxtails.  It’s an old family recipe that emanated in Honolulu and will knock your socks off.

Thanks again Joey for being your personable self!

Best regards, Ben

Check Out Rob on the interwebs by clicking the picture below-


Am I the only one thinking Ben’s making out pretty good in this deal?  He gets lobsters from me and then wants to go and feed me oxtails?

Is that even legal?  I mean I already pissed off Buddha last week I don’t need the PETA crazies comin’ for me.

Biker Brenda Brings Us The Latest Happenings On Rocky Neck Video

Watch For The Big Finish!!!

Here’s to a great season down on Rocky Neck.  Brenda just got back from a six month stint in Thailand.  Check out more on Brenda here

Pimp!- Panther Lamp at Bananas

Sabine at Bananas tells me that back in the day when people first started having televisions in their homes the press was telling people that they needed to have a light on in the room or they would go blind watching tv in the dark.  So most people had some type of lamp on top of their big ol’ tv sets.  She says the panther lamp was a very popular lamp to have.



Mr Wonderful- GMG’s David Cox

We are lucky to have David taking pictures for us.  Y’all have no idea what he goes through to get the pictures you see that he takes to me.

Not computer savvy, David will spend hours at Walgreens editing his photos before he gets disc upon disc made so we can upload them and share with the GMG community.

So next time you see Mr Wonderful give him a pat on the back and thank him for sharing.

Here’s David all dressed up for the Banana Glam O Rama event at City Hall.  He cleans up pretty good wouldn’t you say?

Yes ladies he is available.  I’m thinking about pimping him out to  a select clientele of Cape Ann women.  Just leave a note and I’ll make all the proper arrangements to have our boy show you a good time.  😉


What makes this guy so pimp?  Is it the vintage Kingsford visor circa 1978?  Is it the multiple pairs of safety glasses that he wears for no apparent reason?  I don’t know but he is the first in the Pimp! series that will be a new feature on GMG.  Always reinventing, always bringing new features- GMG PIMP!

Pimp!, originally uploaded by captjoe06.