Chris Anderson and Chef Ken Duckworth

DON’T MISS THE LAST BOOK CLUB EVENT OF THE YEAR! The literary dinners sell out quickly. If you would like to attend, purchase your tickets here.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Moderator: Erin Almond has published fiction, essays, and reviews in The Boston Globe, Roar Magazine,Colorado Review, Normal School, Small Spiral Notebook, and on Nerve.com, Cognoscenti.com, and The Rumpus.net. She is a graduate of the UC-Irvine MFA program and a recipient of a St. Botolph Foundation Emerging Artists Grant. She is currently seeking a home for her novel Witches’ Dance, and at work on her next book. Erin lives outside Boston with her husband, Steve, and their three children. NOTE: This event will run from 6-8 p.m.

Maggie Dietz and Todd Hearon led a lively discussion on October’s sold out book club selection, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Many of our Piping Plover volunteers will recognize two of October’s attendees, Kerry and Patty. Every morning at sunrise, these two are at Good Harbor Beach cleaning up, what on some mornings amounts to, a mountain of litter. 


Chef Ken Duckworth out did himself in the fabulous and delicious department!

Jenn did an outstanding job leading the discussion last night at The Great Gatsby book club event. A mandatory high school English class read for many, nonetheless, it was very enjoyable to read again, and especially interesting in light of our current political climate.


img_4320Lit House Co-founders Jenn Monroe and Chris Anderson

The next Lit House Book Club @ Duckworth’s Bistrot event is Old Filth on Sunday, March 19th, with moderator Laura Harrington. Laura is an “award winning playwright, lyricist and librettist, winner of the 2008 Kleban Award for “most promising librettist in American musical theatre,” has written dozens of plays, musicals, operas and radio plays, which have been produced in 28 states, Canada and Europe, in venues ranging from Off-Broadway to Houston Grand Opera to the Paris Cinemateque. She has twice won both the Massachusetts Cultural Council Award in playwriting and the Clauder Competition for best new play in New England.  Harrington teaches playwriting at MIT where she was awarded the 2009 Levitan Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Alice Bliss, (Penguin/ Viking) her first novel, won the 2012 Massachusetts Book Award in Fiction. Her second novel, A Catalog of Birds (Europa), launches in July.” For tickets and more information go to the Lit House website here.static1-squarespace


FullSizeRender (36)Ken’s golden polenta, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

There are still a few seats available for the next Duckworth’s Eastern Point Lit House Book Club event (Sunday evening, March 20th). Ken, Chris, Jenn, Michelle, and Colleen do a beautiful job welcoming guests, and if you haven’t been, they provide wonderful evenings of, quite possibly, the best book club fare ever, freely flowing wine, and great discussions.

IMG_6480Last month’s discussion was led by Eastern Point Lit House co-founders Jenn Monroe and Chris Anderson.

Don’t be intimidated if you haven’t read the book in time for the event (which is oftentimes the case with me). I’m usually so inspired after the discussion, I find the time.

FullSizeRender (37)So deliciooooooous, that’s all I can say about Ken’s meatloaf and potatoes

Lit House book Club Duckworth's ©Kim Smith 2015An array of salads, vegetable dishes, and soup accompanies every dinner.


Come, I promise you won’t be disappointed!!



The Gloucester Clam’s Jim Dowd EP Lit House Event at Duckworth’s

Jim Dowd Snow Crash ©Kim Smith 2015

Last night Jim Dowd led a fascinating discussion on Neal Stephenson’s book Snow Crash, considered to be one of the best in the cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction writing.

Jim Dowd Duckwoth's ©Kim Smith 2015

Lawrence Penson, editor of Nova Express describes cyberpunk, “Classic cyberpunk characters were marginalized, alienated loners who lived on the edge of society in generally dystopic futures where daily life was impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.”

Stevens Brosnihan ©Kim Smith 2015JPGStevens Brosnihan explains how to use Oculus Rift, a virtual reality head-mounted display, on loan from Ocean’s Alliance. Read more about Oculus Rift at The Gloucester Clam here.

Chris Anderson Jenn Monroe ©Kim Smith 2015Eastern Point Lit House Co-founders Chris Anderson and Jenn Monroe

KT Toomey Michelle Barton ©Kim Smith 2015KT Toomey and Michelle Anderson

Duckworth's Snow Crash ©Kim Smith 2015

Jim Dowd Ken Duckworth ©Kim Smith 2015 Jim Dowd ©Kim Smith 2015

Ken Duckworth Hosts Catcher in the Rye Event

Michelle Anderson and Mandy ©Kim Smith 2014

Michelle and Mandy

Ken Duckworth moderated a packed house at The Eastern Point Lit House Writer’s Book Club event, held at Duckworth’s on Sunday evening. Ken did a superb job both leading the lively and interesting discussion about Catcher in the Rye, and preparing a beautiful and delightfully delicious dinner for the attendees.

Ken Duckworth ©Kim Smoith 2014

Jenn Monroe Barbara Boudreau Jenn Monroe and Barbara Boudreau

*   *   *

Ken’s beautiful dinner menu included out-of-this-world delicious meatloaf, yummy pan-fried potatoes, one of my very favorite veggies, broccoli rabe, deviled eggs, shrimp, fresh fruit and cheeses, and several fabulous salads.


Ken Duckworth Meatload ©kim Smith 2014 Writer's Book Club Duckworths ©Kim Smith 2014

The Writer’s Book Club at Duckworth’s is taking the month of December off, but will resume again in January with possibly a potluck dinner at the Eastern Point Lit House (Duckworth’s closes for several weeks during January). We’ll keep you updated about the details on GMG.

CatcherInTheRye1Although published in 1951, it was noteworthy to learn that Salinger wrote his first version of Catcher in the Rye, a play titled “Slight Rebellion of Madison” in 1946, while in the Army stationed in Normandy.

Catcher in the Rye has sold over 65,000,000 million copies and continues to sell approximately 250,000 copies each year.Dream_Catcher_(memoir)


Steve Almond Writer’s Book Club Event at Duckworths

Stever Almond Duckworths ©kim Smith 2014Sunday evening’s Writer’s Book Club event featured best selling author Steve Almond and the sublime cuisine of Chef Ken Duckworth. Steve Almond is a gifted storyteller and wonderfully entertaining, as well as a superb moderator. He could teach any book and make it interesting!

SAteve Almond, Ken Duckworth, Chris Anderson ©Kim Smith 2014

Next month’s Writer’s Book Club event features Ken Duckworth moderating The Catcher in the Rye. This event will sell out quickly so purchase your tickets today.


More Kudos to Eastern Point Lit House

Adding to Joey’s breaking news post of earlier today–here’s the press release from Eastern Point Lit House:

We’re extremely excited to announce that we have signed a lease for 261 Main Street in downtown Gloucester, Massachusetts, a physical home for Eastern Point Lit House & Press. We’re right next door to Alexandra’s Bread, which is of course awesome!

So what is Eastern Point Lit House hoping to accomplish? Anything we can dream up to enliven and support the literary arts on Cape Ann and beyond. In shop we’ll have books we’ve published, as well as those written and published by other folks making incredibly beautiful small press, limited run, and independent books. The kind that you must hold in your hands because they are so unique and gorgeous–books not typically sold in regular book stores. We’ll offer workshops for all ages and abilities led by some fantastic writers and teachers, proofreading and editing services (a public editor for anything from novel manuscripts to press releases and business letters), writing supplies, poetry postcards, cool literary themed t-shirts, and more. We’ll also feature kick ass narrative art and readings by some of today’s most exciting writers. Think of it as a word gallery of sorts, where the written word is the art. Basically we want to make literature even more fun right here in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Literary Cape Ann, y’all. Write by the Sea. Soft opening in a few weeks, and then a big grand opening celebration after that. Dates and more details coming soon. Keep an eye on our social media feeds on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to get the latest word.

Our monthly Writer’s Book Club will continue at Duckworth’s Bistrot.

Looking forward to kicking things up on Main Street!
Thanks for everything!
ChrisChris Anderson ©Kim Smith 2014

The Writer’s Book Club Event at Duckworth’s Bistrot

Chris Anderson ©Kim Smith 2014Chris Anderson

This past Sunday’s Writer’s Book Club Event, held at Duckworth’s Bistrot, was well-attended. Chris Anderson, the editor and co-founder of Eastern Point Lit House, led a very interesting discussion about the book The Things They Carried, written by Tim O’Brien. The Things They Carried is a collection of short stories about a platoon of soldiers in the Vietnam War and is semi-autobigraphical. O’Brien was Chris’s professor in grad school!

From wiki ~ The book is critically acclaimed and O’Brien has expressed surprise at how the book has become a staple in middle schools and high schools, stating that he “certainly hadn’t imagined fourteen year-old kids, eighteen year-olds, those even in their early twenties reading the book.”

Ken Duckworth Chris Anderson ©Kim Smith 2014Chef Ken Duckworth and Chris Anderson

Chef Ken Duckworth prepared a beautiful spread. I only stopped in for a brief period of time as I was on my way to film the Groppo’s Sunday evening Saint Joseph mass and was unable to stay to enjoy the very tasty-looking appetizers and entrees. Thank you Chris, Michelle, Jenn, and Ken for inviting me. Next time I look forward to staying longer!

Barbara and Al Boudreau ©Kim Smith 2014 copyBarbara and Al Boudreau

*   *   *


Ken Duckworth Hosts Alan Watts Book Discussion

Ken Duckworth -2 ©Kim Smith 2013Ken Duckworth and Michelle Anderson

Ken Duckworth spoke before a packed house Sunday evening for the last event of the season of The Writers Book Club, which featured The Book: On the Taboo of Knowing Who You Are, written by the philosopher Alan Watts.

Duckworth's oysters ©Kim Smith 2013The Writer’s Book Club events are co-hosted by Eastern Point Lit House and Duckworth’s Bistrot.  Every seat in the restaurant was filled, and I understand that the house could have been sold three times over. I hope Ken will lead another discussion in the future and perhaps it will be held at a larger venue so more can meet this wryly humorous and engaging side of Ken.

Ken Duckworth  -3 ©Kim Smith 2013We have all come to appreciate Ken for his extraordinary talents as the star chef that he is, and it was equally as enjoyable to listen to him share about a philosopher for whom he cares so deeply and passionately. I am very inspired to read The Book by Alan Watts and hope I can locate a copy before my train ride to NYC this Thursday!

Chris Anderson ©Kim Smith 2013Chris Anderson, Eastern Point Lit House Co-founder

To date, this is the second Writers Book Club event that I have attended and I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed the beautiful dinners, the speakers (Ken and Steve Almond), fellow guests, and the warm and welcoming hospitality of hosts Ken, Chris, Michelle, Nicole, and Jenn.  Thank you Duckworth’s and Eastern Point Lit House!!! Best wishes for an equally successful season of events this coming year!

Michelle Anderson Ken Duckworth ©Kim Smith 2013Michelle and Ken

The Writer’s Book Club is taking a little break during the holidays, but they are already planning a wonderful lineup of exciting speakers and authors for the 2014 season.

©Kim Smith 2013Sunday afternoon I had the pleasure to attend not one, but two fantastic local events. Rather than cramming both into one post, tomorrow I’ll share about the Savour Wine and Cheese’s First Annual Wine and Beer Tasting event.

Ken Duckpwrth -4 ©Kim Smith 2013

Filming in very low light with the Fujifilm X-E1 at ISO 12,000–even so, the Fuji powers on! 

Eastern Point Lit House Update and Reminder About this Sunday’s Writer’s Club @ Duckworth’s

Elizabeth Hilts

Thank you note to GMG from Chris Anderson, Founder and Editor of Eastern Point Lit House  ~

Thank you for helping to get the word out about our first Second Sunday reading and open mic at The Hive! We really appreciate all GMG does for the community. The Second Sunday event was fantastic, with visiting writer Elizabeth Hilts blowing everyone away with her incredible work. I’ve attached a few pics of the fun. Hope to see some folks out at the book club @ Duckworth’s this coming Sunday. Onward!

Thank you Chris. It is always a joy to post for Eastern Point Lit House, especially as you and Jenn without fail take the time to thank us!

Chris Sumner
Chris Sumner
Beth Ann Miller
Beth Ann Miller

The Writer’s Book Club @ Duckworth’s Bistrot

Great food, fine wine, and in-depth discussion about the books we love.

Eastern Point Lit House Fall Book Club Calendar

October 20: Tim Horvath leads a disscusion of Subtle Bodies by Norman Rush.

November 17: Ken Duckworth leads a discussion of The Book by Alan Watts.

About our Visiting Writers:

Tim Horvath is the author of Understories, (Bellevue Literary Press) and Circulation (sunnyoutside). His stories have appeared in journals such as Conjunctions, Fiction, The Normal School, and elsewhere. His story “The Understory” was selected by Bill Henderson, founder and president of the Pushcart Press, as the winner of the Raymond Carver Short Story Award. He teaches creative writing in the BFA and low-residency MFA programs at the New Hampshire Institute of Art, and has previously worked as a counselor in a psychiatric hospital, primarily with adolescents and children and young adults with autism. He received his MFA from the University of New Hampshire, where he won the Thomas Williams Prize. He is the recipient of a Yaddo Fellowship, occasionally blogs for BIG OTHER, and is an assistant prose editor for Camera Obscura.

Ken Duckworth is the award-winning executive chef of Duckworth’s Bistro, where he focuses on local, seasonal ingredients that supports local industry. Following his passion for all things food, he honed his culinary skills at Saddlebrook Resort in Tampa and The Cloister in Georgia. He has been our gracious host for this series and we are so pleased to have him leading our last discussion of the year.

Steve Almond and Duckworth’s Fabulous Writer’s Book Club Event

Ken Duckworth ©Kim Smith 2013Ken Duckworth

Last night guests enjoyed a beautiful dinner prepared by Ken Duckworth, followed by a lively book discussion led by Steve Almond.

Steve Almond and Chris Anderson Duckowrth's ©Kim Smith 2013Author Steve Almond, left, and Eastern Point Lit House Co-founder Chris Anderson

The The Writer’s Book Club event was hosted by Duckworth’s and Eastern Point Lit House. The book of the evening was Stoner, written by John Williams, and it is Steve’s all time favorite. He had with him his own worn copy, from which he read several passages and quoted often. For the most part, the group adored the book and, after listening to the discussion while photographing, I am putting it at the top of my list of books to read this winter when design work and filming slows down.

Duckworth's ©Kim Smith 2013

Steve Almond baby Rosalie ©Kim Smith 2013

Steve Almond, his wife Erin Almond, 11-week-old baby Rosalie, and Lit House Co-founder Jenn Monroe leaning into the stroller.

This year there are two more upcoming  Writer’s Book Club book discussions hosted by Duckworth’s and Eastern Point Lit House. Last night the house was packed and I suggest you purchase your tickets now. I simply can’t imagine a more enjoyable dinner/literary event, with Duckworth’s warm and welcoming ambiance, Ken’s beautiful and divinely delicious dinners, along with discussing great books. And here’s a scoop for GMG readers: Ken Duckworth himself is going to be cooking and leading the November 17th discussion!!! As I said–better order your tickets now!

Steve Almond Duckworth's  event ©Kim Smith 2013

Chris Michelle Anderson Steve Almond Duckworth's  event ©Kim Smith 2013Co-hosts Chris and Michelle Anderson

Previous Post on GMG about Steve Almond: 

Don’t Miss Steve Almond at Duckworth’s!