Sunday Afternoon Chocolate Party

Our hot cocoa party quickly became a chocolate party when Nicole Duckworth arrived with a platter of chocolate-dipped-and-delicious strawberries, pineapples, and bananas (and I had as usual doubled the amount of chips in the chocolate chip cookies). I so hope the kids fall asleep tonight!

friends ©Kim Smith 2015

See Happy Hot Chocolate Snow Days

Ken Duckworth Hosts Catcher in the Rye Event

Michelle Anderson and Mandy ©Kim Smith 2014

Michelle and Mandy

Ken Duckworth moderated a packed house at The Eastern Point Lit House Writer’s Book Club event, held at Duckworth’s on Sunday evening. Ken did a superb job both leading the lively and interesting discussion about Catcher in the Rye, and preparing a beautiful and delightfully delicious dinner for the attendees.

Ken Duckworth ©Kim Smoith 2014

Jenn Monroe Barbara Boudreau Jenn Monroe and Barbara Boudreau

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Ken’s beautiful dinner menu included out-of-this-world delicious meatloaf, yummy pan-fried potatoes, one of my very favorite veggies, broccoli rabe, deviled eggs, shrimp, fresh fruit and cheeses, and several fabulous salads.


Ken Duckworth Meatload ©kim Smith 2014 Writer's Book Club Duckworths ©Kim Smith 2014

The Writer’s Book Club at Duckworth’s is taking the month of December off, but will resume again in January with possibly a potluck dinner at the Eastern Point Lit House (Duckworth’s closes for several weeks during January). We’ll keep you updated about the details on GMG.

CatcherInTheRye1Although published in 1951, it was noteworthy to learn that Salinger wrote his first version of Catcher in the Rye, a play titled “Slight Rebellion of Madison” in 1946, while in the Army stationed in Normandy.

Catcher in the Rye has sold over 65,000,000 million copies and continues to sell approximately 250,000 copies each year.Dream_Catcher_(memoir)