Wanna Talk About Class? Ryan and Wood Distillery Has It In Spades

I knew the Dodgeball rosters would get filled quickly and we would round out the 20 team brackets in a day or so.

Even though Ryan and Wood didn’t get a team submitted this year Bobby Ryan emailed to tell me that he still wanted to help sponsor the 2013 GMG/Farm Bar and Grill Bikini Speedo Dodgeball Tournament at Camp Spindrift.

That’s what you call being a community organization.  that’s what you call class.

Ryan and Wood Beauport Vodka, Knockabout Gin, Folly Cove Rum.  If you’re not drinking the highest quality spirits made locally or anywhere you’re doing a major disservice to your liver.


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Check out the 2013 GMG/Farm Bar and Grill Bikini Speedo Dodgeball Tournament at Camp Spindrift Facebook Page Here

Big Time Thanks To Bobby Ryan From Ryan and Wood For The Custom Coasters For All Our FOB’s and SOB’s To Take Home Tomorrow Night at The GMG Holiday Party at Bodin Historic Photo


If you’re not drinking Ryan and Wood Spirits you’re not drinking the smoothest most luxurious spirits known to man.  That’s a well known fact- you can look it up.

I’m not sure if the Knockabout Gin chilled down icy cold with tonic is my favorite or the Beauport Vodka Tonic icy cold with tonic is my favorite but I’ll tell you unequivocally they are my absolute favorite in each of their respective vodka and gin categories to drink.

I’ve been sitting (not literally) on these coasters since late last summer to unleash tehm upon our FOB’s at our Holiday Party!  Get there early and get yours to take on your winter trips and Represent!



It’s like this- When you put it all together- the locally produced and sold, highly regarded, easily attainable, easily packagable in one of those liquor gift bags, there is nothing in the entire city that is as easy to gift and as highly regarded as a bottle or three of Ryan and Wood Booze.  Ask Terry Weber.  She had her engagement party last Saturday.  I’m stuck at the dock all day long and couldn’t get to the party til after 8PM.  What do I do?  Slip into the liquor store, get a bottle of Ryan and Wood Folly Cove Rum, stuff it in a gift bag- #Boom!  Easy Peasy lemon Squeazy All Time Greatest Most Appreciated Simple To get Gift.

R and W Distillery

As Bobby Ryan said to me in our tour “We like to name our vessels after significant Gloucester vessels“.  Here you see what Bobby was talking about with the two fermentation tanks named Adventure and Thomas E Lannon.

Look for part two of our video tour at 1PM

R and W Distillery, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Knockabout Gin, Folly Cove Rum and Beauport Vodka
Knockabout Gin, Folly Cove Rum and Beauport Vodka