Sand Dollars at Folly Cove by David Wood

Taken while scuba diving at Folly Cove off Easy Diver charter boat. Sent to the Good Morning Gloucester Flickr Group by Easy Diver Chris


R and W Distillery

As Bobby Ryan said to me in our tour “We like to name our vessels after significant Gloucester vessels“.  Here you see what Bobby was talking about with the two fermentation tanks named Adventure and Thomas E Lannon.

Look for part two of our video tour at 1PM

R and W Distillery, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Knockabout Gin, Folly Cove Rum and Beauport Vodka
Knockabout Gin, Folly Cove Rum and Beauport Vodka

Bobby Ryan at Ryan and Wood Distillery

Yesterday I stopped up to see Bobby Ryan, half of the Ryan and Wood Team and a good friend of the family.  The boys are doing something special up in Blackburn Park.  Something our entire community can be proud of.

They are one of only three distillers in Massachusetts.   Crafting spirits-vodka, gin and rum to exacting standards.

Here is a link to the R & W Distillery website

You can tour the facility, well worth a visit.

Look for the first of a four part video series this morning at 8AM