BOUSTROPHEDONS group show at Flatrocks Gallery Sunday closing reception to feature performance piece

Last chance to see Boustrophedons (“…every other line is flipped, or reversed or mirrored”) group show at Flatrocks Gallery. Exhibition  features 8 artists: Joan Benotti, Paul Cary Goldberg, Ann McArdle, Valerie Weigand McCaffrey, Nick Neyeloff, Conny Goetz Schmitt, Linda Lagano Sojda, and Juni VanDyke. The closing Reception and special event is Sunday September 16, 2-4pm

(installation views – the natural light and architecture were in sync today with the show’s theme.)

PAUL CARY GOLDBERG_Portugal street signs series_Installation views_Flatrocks Gallery_2018 Sept 14_group exhibition BOUSTROPHEDONS_8 artists ©c ryan (3)