Essex River Cruise — pat morss

At Pat D’s suggestion a few days ago on GMG, Anne-Lise and I took one of the last afternoon Essex River Cruises before they closed this weekend for the winter.

Starting down the river from the Essex causeway, toward Essex Bay and the Atlantic.
Cormorants, who may have beheaded this owl “scarecrow.”
One of several Great Blue Herons along the shore.
A family out on the river enjoying the last warm weather.
A couple of clam diggers, with the Castle Hill Crane Estate beyond, on Plum Island
Soaking up the sun on a sandbar, exposed at low tide.
Kayakers on Essex Bay heading out to fish; Atlantic beyond.
Around the corner from Wingarsheek and Coffins Beaches, Annisquam.
Turning back inland, Cormorants take over a sandbar beach.
Our guests view ruins along privately owned Corn Island as the sun gets lower.
A clam digger gets to appreciate the fall colors.
This is back-breaking work.
Back at the dock, just before sunset, and Halloween.

Gloucester Fishermen Boys Varsity soccer update

Gloucester for the Win! Final score 8:2. GHS Boys Soccer (Div. 3) beat Malden (Div. 1) October 28, 2023.

photos: snapshots of the Senior Celebration — 11 players!–and pregame scenes from the stands.

The Fishermen were led by six seniors in the starting line up: Gino and Dom up front (both scored hat tricks); Cole and Brendan in the middle; and Leo and Benji in back. Looks like the Fishermen are going to the playoffs! The last game of the 2023 season is an away game* on Monday October 30th against Saugus. Heading into that final game, GHS Boys Varsity Soccer 2023 season is 13-3-1. Northeast ranking reflects the success of the team’s defense and offence. A proud parent explained, “Goals allowed is huge. The 2023 team only let up so many goals vs. how many goals we scored all season. In 8 of the games only 1 goal was allowed. There were 3 shutouts by the defense and goalie.”

*This often means the varsity girls soccer should be at the home stadium. The JV team had a game at the same time on another field. Good luck to all the GHS Fishermen fall sports teams!

GloucesterCast 692 Livestream 10/29/23 Link to Join

GloucesterCast 692 Livestream 10/29/23

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