Annie and Squam are back — pat morss

Our Ospreys on the Annisquam River, next to Lobstaland, are back on their regular nesting platform, and Essex County Greenbelt’s live camera is back in operation. Visit their website at to see the action and read the updates on what’s been going on, this year and last. Here are a few screen shots from the camera.

Squam, flying in here, has been taking the lead on the nest building
They are cooperating well on this annual routine
Here Annie is resting on the perch the at the left while Squam does some heavy lifting
Time out for mating, as Greenbelt promised this week.

We met these people at Stone’s Pub Who Were Visiting and Asked Us What Were Some Fun Things To Do

We sent them with a list based on my recommendations I replied in a post last week from @nicholeschrafft


Bex Borden and Scottie Mac In The Mix!
I missed out o adding Maritime Gloucester but that would be on the list as well.

Here’s a text chain screen video of some of the things I quickly referenced for them including tonight Over The Bridge playing at Minglewood! Press play on the video to view:

By The Way The Stone’s Peanutbutter Bacon Burger Yet Again Did Not Disappoint. Thank you chef Hope!

Stone’s Pub Peanutbutter Bacon Burger

Nor did the pulled pork mac n cheese-

Or Bex’ Open Faced Reuben-


Celebrate EASTER SUNDAY at Feather & Wedge! 🌷 Join us this Sunday 4/17 from 11:30am-6:00pm for a special Easter menu including grilled Colorado lamb, smoked salmon bagel, gruyère onion quiche, fresh fish + more! 

Visit to view the full menu 🐰 Reserve your table on Resy! 🐣

Showtimes Added for CODA

Yes, you DO want to see CODA on the big screen (in case you were wondering). Even if you have already streamed it, it’s a different show on the big screen. If you have company in town, they REALLY need to see CODA while they are here. That is also a special part of the experience. Gloucester Cinema on Essex Ave sells tickets online and they will be available through April 21. It’s a no-brainer.

From the Gloucester Cinema Facebook page:

YMCA360 News!

Cape Ann Wellness

We are excited to announce that there are now 100 YMCAs across the country on our YMCA360 virtual health and wellness platform! We are so proud to join our fellow YMCAs in bringing this incredible virtual fitness resource to our members and we have another exciting announcement on how we will be expanding YMCA 360 later this month.

Celebrating 100 YMCAs strong! Check out this welcome video from YMCA 360 below and be sure to login on Wednesday, April 20th for special live classes with all 100 Y partners to celebrate health, wellness, and connection at the Y.  

Join us on YMCA360 from wherever you and participate in this nationwide event.
April 20th – LIVE Class Schedule!

New Releases

So many Ys, so many resources, and classes to share. New releases this week! Circuit 11 and 12, Core and More 13, Cycle Express 15, Deadlift Tutorial 2, Muscle Pump 6, and Dumbbell …

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