GloucesterCast 564 Livestreaming 4/10/22 Link to join here-

GloucesterCast 564 Livestreaming 4/10/22 Link to join here- 

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Eagles In West Gloucester

There was a turn of events in the story of the West Gloucester eagles last week you may be interested in. There is a nest in the area and I am pretty sure there are eggs in it since there’s ALWAYS an eagle in there indicating typical nesting behavior. So we can expect to see two eagles within sight of the nest. I should have realized this myself. Yet, I found myself surprised to notice bands on one of the eagles but no bands on another. Each of them were on watch in trees near the nesting area. The banded eagle may have a band on each leg which could prove enlightening someday for researchers. In the meantime, let’s hope for viable eggs and chicks in West Gloucester!

These are example of each of the eagles: the banded one in the sun, the other on a cloudier day: