Five Year Anniversary Lunch At Tonno

I would just like to take a minute to say thank you to everyone in the City of Gloucester for welcoming us over the last five years. As a show of appreciation we are hosting this fundraiser and would love for you to attend and contribute. Love you Gloucester
Anthony Caturano

We are sending this out hopefully tomorrow. If anyone is interested. Could you help us promote it?

Adventure Seeking Deckhands

The 122-foot schooner Adventure is seeking additional deckhands to join our crew for the current season. Adventure’s varied schedule contains community day sails, charter sails, and educational programming.  Working alongside our volunteers, sail training and seamanship skill building will be a focus of all our operations.  We offer excellent compensation, exceptional training and professional development. Deckhands will have the opportunity to fulfill additional roles such as Cook, Purser, and Safety Officer.  This is a full-time position, applicants must be 18+. Please send a cover letter, resume, and three recent references to, or call the office at 978 281 8079 for more information. We look forward to discussing the opportunity with you in greater detail.

Getting to Know Harmeling Physical Therapy

Cape Ann Wellness

In this week’s post we wanted to feature the Gloucester office’s favorite Physical Therapy Assistant, Ambar Cerrud, PTA!

Ambar has been with Harmeling Physical Therapy for 5 years. She is a certified postpartum exercise specialist, specializes in sports therapy and is a certified holistic nutritionist. Ambar is a Panamanian native, raised in New Orleans, and in her free time she loves to race paddleboards, travel and take her dog on adventures!

Give a call today to set up your appointment at the Gloucester office, and make sure you say hi to Ambar when you come in!

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Month

Cape Ann Community

June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Month and June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. SeniorCare Inc. and several non-profit and civic organizations are holding special “Rolling Rallies” throughout the North Shore to increase awareness of this growing issue in our society.

10,000 people turn 65 in the US every day. This trend is going to continue for the next 20 years. Our demographics are shifting, and we now have more older people in the US than ever before. At the same time that the population is growing, we know that a startling number of older Americans face abusive situations. Every year an estimated 5 million, or 1 in 10, older Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. And that’s only part of the picture: Experts believe that for every case of elder abuse or neglect reported, as many as 23.5 cases go unreported. In addition, it…

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The Gang’s All Here

I went to Mystic Lakes in Medford in search of eagles (of course) but instead found these guys hanging out. They were flying back and forth between the boat house and these pilings. There were about a half dozen of them, more than I have seen together at one time. It was very interesting and I remembered these were Joey’s favorites. So, here you go Boss! Though they are usually quite elegant and refined looking, it’s not always the case as you can see here.