Night Photography With Vintage Russian Helios 44-2 58mm Lens

This lens showed up last night after a month in shipping time from Russia. It was made and sold in the 70s. Still holds up as a fantastic manual lens today.

Used A Fotasy M42-NEX Adapter to use it with the Sony NEX 5100

5AM Gloucester Harbor 2.5 second exposure f5.8. This was taken with very little light to work with. None of this detail was available to the naked eye. The longer exposure let those gorgeous colors come through.

Pretty sweet!

Friends of The Blog Christmas Shopping Ideas: Sam Nigro Painted Oars

Link Here:

How to get a Glostoar

The demand for these unique “Glostoars” is pretty steep…and Captain Sam does need to charge a fee (or else his first mate will pull the plug on his boat!)… 
Pricing varies and depends on the subject.  Custom oars take time and Captain Sam strives to make each one special for those on the receiving end.
Sending an email to : and describing what type of Glostoar painting you are looking for.. ie…your home…your boat…your pet…your favorite seascape…gift for a loved one…etc..  Providing detailed photos of the subject you are interested in and some info about what you want the oar to capture will be helpful.  Texting these over to Sam at                       617-875-6183 may work as well…(it depends if the fish are biting or not!).   Capt’n Sam has dozens of oars to choose from “in stock” and figuring out what size and subject adds meaning and beauty to the end result.  Being creative and making each oar a true “one of a kind” is Captain Sam’s goal so if you want to stop by and pick out an oar and go over in detail what you want the end result to be just let us know.  These oars will be an heirloom that can be passed on from one generation to the next so getting it right is important.   Turnaround time can be a week to 4 weeks…depending on the detail needed.   
Thank you for your interest…. Row on!

Magnolia Community Farmers Market Holiday Fundraiser

Marshall’s Farm Stand & Greenhouses
Classic Cooks
Cape Ann Sea Salt Co.
Ardizzoni Photography
Hold Fast Company
All Purpose Flowers
Carolyn’s Farm Kitchen
Lauralee’s Country Kitchen
Beckah’s Bangin’ Butter
The Cave
Cape Ann Olive Oil
Ardizzoni Photography @Bliss Bites all gave some #beautiful #local #gifts to our #holidayraffle and we can’t WAIT for you to WIN and ENJOY! Visit and purchase your raffle tickets today! Ticket Sales end SUNDAY at midnight, LIVE drawing MONDAY!

Getting ready for the First Night of Hanukkah From Cheryl Dubinsky

Mensch on a Bench is the Hanukkah version of Christmas, Elf on a Shelf. It’s a fun thing.
The menorah is usually lit at sundown ,in a window using the middle candle or shamash to light the candle to the far right , adding a candle each night for 8 nights.
Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate!

Shopping Local

It’s even more important to shop and support local businesses this holiday season. Here are a couple of examples from our own experiences recently. We ordered the Tonno Nonna’s Family Dinner for 4 when we were expecting special company recently. We very nearly did not get past the unboxing before we dove in to the hot and delicious chicken parm, meatballs, pasta, salad and bread. It made a special dinner even more so. Thanks Tonno! Details at this link.

And don’t tell our grandson Schooner that he’s going to find this delightful onsie under the tree this year from Pauline’s Gifts on Essex Ave It was way too cute to leave behind when we stopped there last week. I used to think it was harder to shop local than online, but I have learned differently since we have moved to Gloucester and everything is so much closer and more convenient than we had been used to. Consider for yourselves what works for you. If in doubt, call the shop or restaurant and I’ll bet they find a way to accommodate your needs.

Cape Ann Veterans Services pretty holiday lights display

Cape Ann Veterans Services building and grounds wrapped in lights

Two more – courtesy photos of Cape Ann Veterans Services shared with GMG

And more hope (courtesy photos shared with GMG) – another house one can view from Centennial and visible from Cape Ann Veterans Services

The Holiday Season 2020

Someone anonymous wrote this on social media and I saw it shared…

T’was a month before Christmas,

And all through the town,

People wore masks,

That covered their frown.

The frown had begun

Way back in the Spring,

When a global pandemic

Changed everything.

They called it corona,

But unlike the beer,

It didn’t bring good times,

It didn’t bring cheer.

Airplanes were grounded,

Travel was banned.

Borders were closed

Across air, sea and land.

As the world entered lockdown

To flatten the curve,

The economy halted,

And folks lost their nerve.

From March to July

We rode the first wave,

People stayed home,

They tried to behave.

When summer emerged

The lockdown was lifted.

But away from caution,

Many folks drifted.

Now it’s November

And cases are spiking,

Wave two has arrived,

Much to our disliking.

It’s true that this year

Has had sadness a plenty,

We’ll never forget

The year 2020.

And just ‘round the corner –

The holiday season,

But why be merry?

Is there even one reason?

To decorate the house

And put up the tree,

Who will see it,

No one but me.

But outside my window

The snow gently falls,

And I think to myself,

Let’s deck the halls!

So, I gather the ribbon,

The garland and bows,

As I play those old carols,

My happiness grows.

Christmas is not cancelled

And neither is hope.

If we lean on each other,

I know we can cope.

I know we can cope ❤💚Keep it going!

Bischo To Reopen TODAY Dec 10

From Lynn Silva’s Facebook post, some good news from Bischo’s earlier-than-anticipated reopening! 51 Main Street. Great news! We missed you!

📣📣Bishco Update📣📣I just spoke with Gloucester’s Board of Health director who today advised me at 9:40am the CDC came out with new guidelines/requirements. The Gloucester Board of Health was impressed how quickly Bishco handled our positive covid case by closing down immediately, having all staff members tested (on day 5 and 6 of exposure) and hiring a professional cleaning service. Since we hit all requirements and all staff members tested negative we received the green light to resume business tomorrow December 10th. I am aware of my morning post that stated we could open earliest Monday December 14th. As you are all aware this pandemic is a fluid situation. I strongly believe that the precautions that we have taken inside of Bishco by wearing our mask, changing of our gloves and constantly washing our hands had prevented further spread. Thank you for all your support and kind comments. We would be so grateful for anyone who could share this post that we are back in business tomorrow December 10th Team Bishco

Image borrowed from their webpage (link here)

Last Day To Nominate A Deserving Family For A Chance To Win One Of Sista Felicia’s Gingerbread Decorating Kits

Although Sister Felicia will not be selling her famous Holiday Cookies & Cookie Decorating Kits this season she will be making the holidays a bit sweeter for children in five local families.

If your family or a family you know has had an especially hard year, share the story with Good Morning Gloucester for a chance to win one of Sista Felicia’s gingerbread decorating cookie kits.

Names of families will not be publicized unless authorized to do so or requested.

Please email your nominations including story to by Friday December 11, 2020 by 12:00 pm!


Cape Ann Home


Are you successful? Do you have adult children who are struggling? Do you want to give them a leg-up in this challenging world they face today? One way to transfer some of your assets to a younger generation while you are alive is to purchase and fund permanent insurance for them, employing the ‘be your own banker‘ concept, i.e., stacking the cash value and using the accumulation for a source of loans for their personal use, business purposes and investment opportunities without having to go through financial underwriting, or for a stream of future, after-tax income. Another approach: if you are able to employ premium financing solutions towards any variety of complex financial and tax problems you may be facing, consider purchasing a significant amount of permanent insurance with premium…

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Free Week of Online Fitness Classes!

Cape Ann Wellness

Work out with us, from home!
Sign up for our online membership by December 23rd and get ONE WEEK of WOAH FREE!

Our WOAH (Work Out At Home) memberships are designed to give you access to your favorite MAC instructors and trainers from anywhere!

  • Over 30 virtual class offerings per week including Yoga, Barre, Pilates, Guts & Butts, PlyoJam, Body Sculpt, HIIT, Fit at Any Age, Zumba, and more!
  • Monthly virtual workshops and clinics on various fitness and health topics
  • Access to over 60 on-demand classes and instructor videos
  • Access to Les Mills On-Demand


Ready to sign up, or just want more information?

*New MAC WOAH members only
*Not valid for current MAC members
*Must join as a MAC WOAH member
*Regular dues start 1/1/2021

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