Well hello there beautiful doe of the dunes.

This graceful, slender beauty leisurely strolled, and then pranced, up to me while I was filming PiPls. I stood very still as she came closer and closer, trying not to move a muscle. With great curiosity, she spent a few minutes looking at me. The doe came so close, I could have reached out my hand and touched her.

After the once over from her, and a magical moment for me, she then proceeded to walk a few feet away and take a very long pee in a tide pool. I was filming, not photographing at this point, and so it was captured on film. I don’t know why I think this was funny, I guess because while I was thinking, this is so beautiful, perhaps she was wondering if I was a tree and a suitable place to go pee.

Dancing along with the waves at the shoreline, she was heading back to the dunes when a photographer boxed her into a corner, forcing her to cross the creek and go up the rocky incline to Sherman’s Point, and then cross the road. I prayed she would not get hit by a car (FYI, the photographer had a huge telephoto lens!)

Half an hour later I was further down the beach and happily surprised as the doe came in from the road. She had circled all the way around, her tongue was hanging out and she was out of breath. After a few sips of water at the creek, the elegant White-tailed doe of the dunes crossed the marsh and made her way back home.

Beautiful sunrise yesterday morning, too.

Doe Tracks – I have been making a photographic record of all the different types of animal prints that we see at Good Harbor Beach in the morning. Usually, the deer tracks are in the softer sand and not as clearly defined.


Well hello there beautiful doe of the dunes.

This graceful, slender beauty leisurely strolled, and then pranced, up to me while I was filming PiPls. I stood very still as she came closer and closer, trying not to move a muscle. With great curiosity, she spent a few minutes looking at me. The doe came so close, I could have reached out my hand and touched her.

After the once over from her, and a magical moment for me, she then proceeded to walk a few feet away and take a very long pee in a tide pool. I was filming, not photographing at this point, and so it was captured on film. I don’t know why I think this was funny, I guess because while I was thinking, this is so beautiful, perhaps she was wondering if I was a tree and a suitable place to go pee.

Dancing along with the waves at the shoreline, she was heading back to the the dunes when a photographer boxed her into a corner, forcing her to cross the creek and go up the rocky incline to Sherman’s Point, and then cross the road. I prayed she would not get hit by a car (FYI, the photographer had a huge telephoto lens!)

Half an hour later I was further down the beach and happily surprised as the doe came in from the road. She had circled all the way around, her tongue was hanging out and she was out of breath. After a few sips of water at the creek, the elegant White-tailed doe of the dunes crossed the marsh and made her way back home.

Beautiful sunrise yesterday morning, too.

Doe Tracks – I have been making a photographic record of all the different types of animal prints that we see at Good Harbor Beach in the morning. Usually, the deer tracks are in the softer sand and not as clearly defined.


A couple of summers ago my boys started making a point to place spare change (if there is really such a thing) in a special little spot in a brick chimney in Rockport.  Every once in a while they would happen by and find a nickel or a quarter there, presumably, for the taking.  They would always replace it with something of their own….or, if they didn’t have anything to leave, they would ask me to take them back later in the day to make their “deposit.”   I have no idea if this is a thing or not…but, they both love/d the game.  Thatch has kind of outgrown it, but Finn still loves to play.  The other day he asked me to stop and said he was going to put in the $2 that he had in his pocket.   I told him that was too much and wasn’t as subtle.  I gave him some change…but, when I looked back I saw that he had left one of his dollar bills as well.  He absolutely loves the leaving more than the taking.



Nutrition Series with Darren Burke – Healthy Eating on Vacation

Cape Ann Wellness


Did you know that
July and August are the
most popular months
to travel in the U.S.?

Planning a vacation or stay-cation
in the upcoming weeks?

Anxious about indulging and wondering
how you can stay on track
and return home guilt free?

Get excited for vacation, not stressed!

Join Darren Burke, Certified Nutritionist, for an educational lecture series that will highlight simple and effective ways to clean up your eating habits. You’ll learn about what foods are in season and recipes that incorporate those foods. Sign up and head into these warmer months feeling refreshed and healthy!

Healthy Eating on Vacation
Thursday, July 25, 2019
6:00 PM in the MAC Business Office

Sign up with Darren:

$5 member fee
$10 non member

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