GloucesterCast 160 Taped 11/22/15 With Guests @KimSmithDesigns, Leslie Heffron, @Ali4416, @K_HRock and Host @Joey_C #GloucesterMA


GloucesterCast 160 Taped 11/22/15 With Guests Kim Smith, Leslie Heffron, Alicia Cox, Super K and Host Joey Ciaramitaro

Topics include:

leslie heffron, kim smith, alicia unleased, super k
small biz saturday nov 28th
phantom gourmet came to 525 in magnolia last friday look for the show
leslie’s art run down
soul surfing yoga retreat cape ann power yoga february 27 march 5th -kate says the place where they are staying is ridiculously beautiful
pigeon cove hidden treasures.
joey’s footwear thing


One thought on “GloucesterCast 160 Taped 11/22/15 With Guests @KimSmithDesigns, Leslie Heffron, @Ali4416, @K_HRock and Host @Joey_C #GloucesterMA

  1. Hey Joey thanks for the shout out for Cape Ann Power Yoga! Just for anyone who is keeping score – both the Cape Ann YMCA and the MAC offer yoga classes on their regular schedules and they are included as part of your regular membership. For anyone who hasn’t tried yoga yet – I encourage you to go and give it a shot, especially if you’re already paying for it : ) We partnered with the Y so that Y members could get a taste of Hot Power Yoga in a dedicated studio with exceptional instruction.

    Go to ANY yoga studio – do some research, try some different things out. In Gloucester alone there are probably 40 different names of yoga classes. Vinyassa Flo Slow Power Hatha Alignment etc. It’s hard to keep track of! We do one thing and we do that better than anyone else in the area – we offer Hot (90 degrees) Power Yoga Classes every day of the week, for an amazingly low price with exceptional instruction. Especially if you’ve tried yoga before and “it wasn’t for you” – come try any class on our schedule and see what you think. It’s only $10 – you could easily pay more for a crappy lunch.

    Dave DeAngelis


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