Let’s Play “Would You Rather?” – McRib or McLobster

My favorite game we used to play when we would go out a lot was called “Would You Rather”. Essentially, the game makes you pick between 2 ridiculous items or scenarios and then clearly explain your reasoning behind it. The only other rule is that neither is not an acceptable answer. Here it is:

You are stranded on the highway for 2 days on Interstate 90 and you finally walk to a rest area. Everything is sold out, no fries, no burgers, no McGreasy anything, except they still have the McRib and their New England Classic McLobster Roll.

Which would you choose? – Post in the comments and your reasoning behind it.


Let the games begin – Patrick

17 thoughts on “Let’s Play “Would You Rather?” – McRib or McLobster

  1. you go with the mcLobster add sweet and sour sauce and hope you get sick, but not sick enough to die, just get a hefty lawsuit like the lady who spilled the hot coffee and won a million bucks.


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