E.J. Khan Discovers The Diving Locker At The Heritage Center

E.J. Khan Writes-

While exploring the waterfront, I came across this little hidden treasure, tucked behind the Maritime Heritage Center. Long-time diver, Paul Harling (diving since 1949 – that’s 61 years!), and the exhibit of old diving equipment and objects salvaged from sunken ships, is pretty amazing and fascinating. He says he gets lots of tourist visitors during the summer, but not many locals come through. Divers or people interested in diving history should definitely check out the Diving Locker; this is also an exhibit that I think most kids would find really cool (the outfitted mannequins look eerily real and a little like some video game or old Star Trek characters), and Paul would love the company and chance to tell about all the equipment and its history. Paul also has a scrapbook with some old photos and history about the Lanesville Stagecoach and the trolley, if your interest is more in movement above the water than below it. The Diving Locker is open every day except Thursday, all year.


3 thoughts on “E.J. Khan Discovers The Diving Locker At The Heritage Center

  1. I’ve got to get out more. I did not know this was tucked in there. I’ll definitely check it out with the kids this week. I’ve got dive gear getting dusty and I’ve decided to get re-certified this coming summer. Checking out this equipment will psyche me up.


  2. That would be great, and I think the kids will enjoy it. Paul is really an interesting character, and he’s there all by himself, so he’d be happy for the visit. And then you can suit up on the 1st and go diving when everyone else is going into that frigid water in their bathing suits.


  3. My sister and I discovered the Diving Locker this past September. We were so glad that we took the time to investigate. Paul Harling is a treasure. He has a vast knowledge of diving history that he enthusiastically shares with his visitors.


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