Do Not Go To Rockport Art Association

The oldest art association in America opened it’s doors this weekend for another season. I’ve lived in Rockport for all of 17 months and I never stopped by until today. I knew there were some painters who were pretty good in Rockport but this place blew me away. Room after room of mesmerizing art.

Two killer treats. One, the Winter Group Show is just amazing. Want to feel the warmth of summer on Good Harbor Beach or a backlit green wave crashing at Andrew’s Point just walk through this gallery.

The other treat was in the back. Huge sunlit room and a dozen painters going at it. They were taking paintings which have been in the association for years and copying them. But copying is a cheap word for the works they were producing . One, a painter who was taking a shot at what his grandmother had painted 50 years before. To name names and explain would require 4,000 words so I am pulling the plug here.

Why do I want you to not go? Because my birthday present is still back there hanging on the wall. I need a second pass to decide as I narrow it down. So I do not want you or anyone else to visit the Rockport Art Association this week and steal my birthday present. That is unless you are dropping it off at my house on my birthday. Now it would be really dumb to say a Ray Crane and a Paul Ciaramitaro are the two I am zeroing in on. That is unless you rush down to get them for me.

5 thoughts on “Do Not Go To Rockport Art Association

    1. The title was my new strategy of hooking someone into reading the whole story. Next week my titles will be, “Why I Hate Lobster” and “My dogs Have No Fun on Good Harbor Beach.”


      1. Paul, agree
        Great paintings, I was there last night and captured some on the video about esARTS and Dan Hunter.
        Also broight back memories when they had dances there for teenagers back in the 60’s


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