Snoop Maddie Mad at Dogtown Book Store

Snoop Mad always loves to check out the ducks in the window at Dogtown Book Store.  That book to her left is owner Bob Ritchie’s Daughter’s copy of Make Way For Ducklings.

Tucked in the back of the store is a small reading area with vintage childrens books.

Snoop Maddie Mad at Dogtown Book Store, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


3 thoughts on “Snoop Maddie Mad at Dogtown Book Store

  1. Hi Joey, this is Pam . in theise times where alot of men dont take their responsabilty as a parent very serious and feel it’s the womans job to look after and raise their children , it warms my heart to see all the attention and love you give your two daughters . I am sure it does not even cross your mind what a good dad you are so i say to you Joey, I am proud to know you because you are a good man and from what i can see a Great Father. and if the world had more dad’s like you it would be a better place. Shawn and I miss you guy’s , best of luck and enjoy your daughters they grow up fast. my two boy’s are 25 and 26 now and i miss the times i had with them like your enjoying now with your daughters. So once more a big cheer for dad’s like you !!!!!


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