From Emile Doucette- Daniel

From Emile Doucette:

“This weekend CoffeeBlack Productions, the team responsible for the Greasy Pole Documentary (, competed in the Boston Film Race. Teams are given a theme and surprise element (this year’s were RENT and A LIGHTBULB), and have just 24 hours to submit a completed short film (the film cannot exceed 3 1/2 minutes).
After 24 hours of hard work we completed our film, titled ‘Daniel’. The film, shot entirely in Gloucester, is something of a sequel to ‘Leonard’, our entry in last year’s film race (last year’s required elements were DATING and FLUFFING A PILLOW). ‘Leonard’ took home 5 awards last year, and we’re hoping to scoop up some awards with ‘Daniel’ this year.  I’ll probably write about the experience in more detail in the near future, but after staying up for 40+ hours, I need a break today.”

Links to the 2 films can be found below.

