Don’t Miss- Tonight’s Bobby Bobskill Chronicles Rerun

It gets better every time I watch it.  For those of you who have just recently discovered GMG make sure to check this page at 8:00PM for the Bobby Bobskill Chronicles Rerun.  To date it’s some of my favorite stuff on the blog.

Walker Creek Furniture (and art)

By looking at the large sign on the building you might think that it’s just a furniture shop.  Nope.  It’s so much more with some fantastic art including some work by The Mrs’ favorite artist.  You’ll see in the second part of the video interview later this week.


Walker Creek Furniture

How many times have you driven past this building in Essex and wondered what’s inside?  The building is in Essex, on the left hand side just before you get to downtown Essex when coming from Gloucester on 133.  Look for the two part interview and video tour inside later this week.  It’s a local treasure you won’t want to miss.

Walker Creek Furniture, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


Where Zat? #18


We’ve had this little contest going for 18 weeks! All through the winter into the SPRING!!

Last week this comment from Joe (not Joey C.): “Those that picked the Public Ramp behind GHS got it correct, from my view. Have lived on the river all my life, and that Great Blue is taking off from an old pile, that has been there the entire time.”

Can you figure out where this week’s location is? Not far off the beaten path?

Thanks for playing! Good luck!

Rudder Reconstruction Update 3/30/09

Here is one of the changes to the inside of the newly reconstructed Rudder Restaurant on Rocky Neck.  This lobster tank has been framed out with driftwood.  Lots of the original detail and wood has been retained and reinstalled.  Video coming from inside at 10:00AM

Rudder Reconstruction Update 3/30/09, originally uploaded by captjoe06.